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Talks of homophobia and Unaccepting parents. Along with the death of a character. This will have a similar storyline to the Aizawa one shot's Acceptance and Run Away. I hope you enjoy it! :)

Written on-04/15/2024~04/19/2024|Number of words- 3526

Y/n stood in front of his family home, the house he was raised in and thought was a safe place. All that changed when he revealed he got his current girlfriend pregnant. His parents were furious and kicked him out fast. He sighs and calls his girlfriend.

"Hey, my parents just kicked me out... can I stay at your place?" Y/n asks.

"Of course! I'm so sorry this happened love" Y/n's girlfriend replies.

"It's whatever, if they want nothing to do with us then they will get their wish. They won't meet their grandchild ever unless they apologize." Y/n says and Y/n's girlfriend sighs.

"Yeah, are you on the way?" She asks.

"Yeah, I'll be there in thirty minutes" Y/n replies. 

"Okay, see you soon," She replies. The two hang up and Y/n makes his way to her house.


Months passed by and soon it was time for Y/n's girlfriend to give birth. She gives birth to a healthy baby boy. The two young parents are thrilled to have a healthy baby. They name him Rio and their venture into parenthood starts. Years pass and Y/n is now a pro hero, with a four-year-old. Y/n's girlfriend is now his fiance and the two are busy with wedding planning. On the day of the wedding, a villain attacks the area. Killing a few people Y/n's bride being one of them. Y/n doesn't find out until after the Villain is captured.

"Where is Destiney?" Y/n asks looking around the area.

He runs around looking for and calling out to his Fiance.

"Y/n!" A voice calls, Y/n looks over to see his fiance's best friend walking toward him a devastatingly sad look on her face.

"What's wrong? Where's Destiney?" Y/n asks.

"She was hit... it happened so fast... I'm so sorry," She says and  Y/n looks at her shocked.

"No... no.. that can't be... she promised we'd be together forever... she can't be dead!" Y/n yells out. He falls to the ground exhausted.

"Y/n, I know it's hard but you need to be strong for Rio," She says and Y/n closes his eyes but nods.

"You're right... I got to keep it together," Y/n says as he walks back towards the group of people.

"Y/n, there you are!" Destiney's father says.

"Have you seen Desi? We can't find her," Her mother asks.

"Claira just told me she was hit... she didn't make it..." Y/n says crying. Destiny's parents scream in horror and shock.


The funeral was a few months later.

"Daddy, is Mama gonna be okay?" Rio asks his father.

"You know what buddy, she is at peace now... she isn't hurting and is watching over us right now," Y/n says kneeling to look at his son's face.

"Okay, I'm gonna miss Mama," He says and Y/n nods.

"Me too buddy... me too," Y/n says hugging his son.


Years pass and Y/n is walking into the middle school his child goes to school at.

"Ah Mr. L/n, welcome, Rio is with the principal and the other child," the receptionist says.

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