Chapter 2

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V sat on the pod, legs dangling over the side as J was on the phone with her "old friends." She said that I met them before, but I don't know where. N was pacing around a few feet away. J told me that he'd been like that for a year. V looked at him sympathetically. I know what that feels like.

J climbed out of the landing pod, a small smile on her face. "They said that they'd be here in two days." V growled. "Two days? We should be saving Uzi right now!"

J put her phone away. "These people will help us. Trust me."

V crossed her arms, her tail twitching. "They better."

J gave a shrug and unsheathed her wings. "I'll scout the area for any worker drones, they would be after us right now I'm guessing."

V turned towards her, taking out her wings as well. "I'll come with you; I'm starving."

The two disassembly drones flew out of one of the small openings in the spire. V clung to the spire. "I forgot my wings are still weak."

J looked at V with a playful expression. "No, really? I thought your bent wing would heal in a day."

V gave J a shove. "Shut up." She had blush lines on the sides of her visor.

J purred. "Make me."

V leaped at J, making her fall out of the sky and crashing into the ground. "Alright."

V leaned in closer, but J grabbed V's hands and flew upwards into the night, surprising her. J threw V up into the clouds, following close behind to grab her. "This is weird.." she said as J clutched onto her.

"Want to make it weirder?" J said, leaning closer to V.

V's pupils were hollow, but large blush lines gave away that she enjoyed this. J pulled V forward and awkwardly smacking her lips against hers. V pulled back, her tail lashing with excitement. "Woah. I enjoyed that."

J leaned in for another kiss, this time V did the same. They shared that moment in the clouds a minute before V fell into J's arms. She held V in her arms, flying down and landing softly back in the spire. J climbed until she was on the roof, wrapping her tail around a few sturdy limbs until she hung from the ceiling. She folded her wings, hiding V as the disassembly drone rested against her. The two fell asleep in each other's arms. 

EscapeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora