Chapter 4

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Kal'tsit rolled over on her office couch looking into her darkened room, the bright lights of the clock on her still paper strewn desk read just past one am. She had decided just a small nap was in order after working through most of the day, that small one hour nap apparently turned into eight hours instead. As she glanced around slowly setting up, she spotted a soft sided Rhodes Island marked container on the small table in front of her with a note attached.

Perking her brow, she reached forward plucking the note off the container,

"Make sure to eat properly! – Amiya" A soft smile just for an instant perked the corner of her lip. While Kal'tsit always looked out for the well-being of the operators and personnel of Rhodes Island, sometimes in more subtle ways. Their young CEO would often surprise her by taking care of her own well-being she forgot to, inside the cool container was a sandwich along with small finger foods.

Gingerly plucking half the sandwich out she waved for the lights to come on in her office, heading straight for her slightly battered coffee maker. Starting a fresh brew, she munched on the sandwich looking back to the stack of papers she was only halfway done with. Contemplating ignoring that work for more laboratories work instead, a decision was suddenly made for her. A sudden chirp from her desk makes her pointed ears perk up,

"Hey, we found this gizmo on him, I don't know its blinking hell if I know how to turn it off, we will leave it for the general," A male's voice suddenly came from her stack of paper. Moving quickly, cramming the rest of the sandwich down her mouth, she moved some papers aside to see the TDCSP screen lit up. The screen had a few options popped up, but the display said AUDIO ONLY in big block black letters against a gray screen.

She listened carefully as she heard chairs scraping against a floor and the jostling of someone, followed by the sounds of someone being stuck. Picking up the device she looked at her options, continuing to listen in,

"You killed a few of our buddy's asshole, once the general gets done with you your all ours. Got anything to say prick?" The male voice said again as she tabbed through the options. She hesitated for a moment seeing a one-way video option tabbing on it for a moment, her screen minimized to a corner with audio only as she got a sudden full color video feed from the other device.

Kal'tsit could see inside of a small room now the device somewhere on the corner of a table, a man was handcuffed to a chair a black bag over his head. From his torn plaid shirt and jeans, she could tell he had been given a short work over, a pair of human men stood on either side of him. They were kitted out much like the soldiers they fought in the hanger complex except for their black armor with a large A6 logos on the front of them.

"Yea, tell where Mulhausen is, and I promise not to kill either one of you when I get out of here." The man in the chair muttered through the hood as another one of the guards slapped him.

"Shut up!" one of them yelled followed by a few more strikes to his chest and face before he stopped. 

That peeked into Kal'tsit's interests even more of who this mysterious stranger was, while she was in no position to help him at least yet. Seeing his calm demeanor despite the situation the man found himself in meant he already had a plan in mind, what that was she could only guess as she watched.

The sudden knock at her door made her turn around suddenly as the door, despite it being locked, suddenly came open with W striding on in papers in hand. The Sarkaz mercenary strode casually like nothing in the world was wrong with breaking and entering. Silverish hair with a pair of down turned red horns on her sides, she was wearing her usual attire of black jacket with a matching skirt.

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