Chapter 69

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     "Why is it this thing …" Duan Hengye muttered as he flipped the object over. "This is LC liquid fuel." He muttered the name of the object in his hand.

In fact, other than the professional code Duan Hengye just said, this "LC liquid fuel" had a more well-known name: "Flaming Scale". Anyone in the galaxy who had a little understanding of weapon systems would know that Flaming Scale had only one purpose — — to be used as fuel for the new type of large-scale destructive laser cannon.

Because he had been holding it in his hand, the white shirt Duan Hengye had torn off earlier had been dyed a dark blue. Duan Hengye's fingertips had also been stained a little. As the color faded, the dark blue metal began to emit an unpleasant smell. Unlike the strange burnt smell that pervaded the air, this was an extremely sour and pungent smell. It was like some kind of disinfectant that drilled straight into one's brain.

Meng Jinhuai was the Marshal of the military, so he was very familiar with the uses of Flaming Scale. But when he saw Duan Hengye's expression, he couldn't help but ask Duan Hengye, "Does this thing usually appear in the Research Institute?"

After hearing Meng Jinhuai's question, Duan Hengye slowly shook his head and said, "No, the Research Institute doesn't store fuel that can't be used by mechs … And Flaming Scale isn't easy to store. It has very strict environmental requirements, and the slightest carelessness will cause it to lose its original effect."

Duan Hengye switched the Flaming Scale to his other hand and continued to speak to Meng Jinhuai, "Normally, after this thing is mined, it will be transported directly to the weapon's location using a special tool. It won't be sent anywhere else."

"First, it has no use in the Research Institute, and second, it will waste a lot of resources to store it. In short, it has no meaning. "Duan Hengye concluded.

In fact, the most important point was what Duan Hengye said at the beginning — Flaming Scale was a special fuel that could only be used in the new type of laser cannon. The laser cannon was currently the most destructive weapon in the galaxy, but due to several technical reasons, it had never been used in mechs.

Duan Hengye and Meng Jinhuai didn't speak for a long time. Because of the body temperature, the solidified fuel was becoming more and more acidic. "… Actually, it has always been my goal to install it in a mech." After he finished speaking, Duan Hengye paused for a moment, then looked at the thing in his hand again. and said to Meng Jinhuai, "No matter what, we still have to send it for it to be tested."

"Yes." Meng Jinhuai agreed with Duan Hengye's words. Although the two of them had already determined what this thing was based on their experience, they still had to send it for a specialized test to be on the safe side.

The Mecha Research Institute didn't store this type of fuel, but it still had the most advanced fuel detection equipment in the galaxy. Duan Hengye and Meng Jinhuai carefully checked their surroundings again, then boarded the hover vehicle for the return journey. By now, the fuel in Duan Hengye's hand had melted a lot, and after entering the enclosed space of the hover vehicle, the unpleasant smell became even more intense.

Duan Hengye didn't feel anything at first, but when they got here, as the acidic smell grew stronger, Duan Hengye's head suddenly became dizzy. Meng Jinhuai was sensitive enough to notice the change in the expressions of the people around him. He took the item from Duan Hengye's hand, then asked him, "Do you have a headache?"

"Yes." Duan Hengye sniffed, then gently leaned towards the interior of the hover vehicle behind him.

As a pure fuel, Flaming Scale Fire was not poisonous. However, for people and children with lower immune systems, once they come into contact with too much of it, they will feel uncomfortable and have a headache.

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