8. Strange Hidden Desires

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"This has to stop," Minji murmured.

"You said that yesterday too, and the day before that and the day before that," Bae replied with a mischievous smile, momentarily breaking away from her history teacher's neck.

They were currently in corridor C of the west wing of the school, one of the least frequented in the structure as it only contains the secondary toilets and some disused offices.
It was the place where almost every day for two weeks, Bae and Minji had secretly met to give vent to the strong attraction they felt for each other.
The raven-haired girl felt like she was in heaven, everything seemed too perfect to be true.

Meanwhile, rehearsals at the theater continued, but the two protagonists were the only ones who never met on stage, too busy avoiding each other to act on the same page.
Their agreement had gone down the drain along with all their goodwill to work together, but Bae didn't feel guilty.

Or at least, that's what she kept telling herself to get better.

The truth was that at least once a day, at least for a split second, her mind turned to the cocky little Korean.
And he couldn't help but wonder if he had done the right thing in attacking her that evening at her house.
Either way, it was too late.
And she had no time to waste on useless conjectures about that girl when she had a much more valid match in front of her.

"No, Bae, I'm serious.. We have class together.. Now!" she jumped as she looked at the clock and realized she only had two minutes to get to class on time.
Bae grumbled when Minji abruptly pulled away from her.

"You can't leave me like this" she tried to convince her by sticking out her lower lip in a tender and heartbroken expression.
Minji smiled and shook her head, stroking her hair.
"Settle down and go to class right away"

"Okay, miss" Bae winked as Minji blushed. She knew she had her, but she didn't want to be late and risk getting caught with her teacher either.
So she leaned over just to give her a firm kiss.
"It's better if you wait a minute before exiting this corridor. You know, as a precaution" he advised her - Minji nodded with a smile - then she threw her backpack over her shoulder and left.

Bae arrived in class just before the bell rang and sat down in the seat reserved for her by Haewon.
"You're super late.." her friend told her, as she placed the books on the desk.
Bae looked at her in disbelief.
"But the bell hadn't even rung when I came in"
"Well, by your standards... I mean, you came after me!" the brunette exclaimed, raising an eyebrow.
"I was... In the library" she lied.

Haewon looked at her silently from his seat, observing that the girl was moving her leg nervously and chewing her nails, as she used to do when she was tense. Haewon knew, they had known each other for years.

At that moment Miss Kim entered with her briefcase in hand, her hair a little disheveled and her blouse slightly wrinkled.
These are details that would normally escape anyone but Haewon. She was a careful observer, and knew how to connect complementary pieces when necessary.

So she narrowed her eyes, looking at Bae and her teacher at regular intervals, silently.

There's definitely something that doesn't add up to me here, she thought, starting to plot all the possible conclusions.
One in particular, dictated by her acute sixth sense, dominated the others, but Haewon wouldn't put her hand in it.
First she wanted to observe from the sidelines and then draw her own conclusions.

Meanwhile, Minji placed her briefcase on the desk and briefly looked up at the class to say hello.
Then he went to the blackboard and wrote the topics for the day's lesson on it.
"Today we will focus on globalization from an economic, cultural and social perspective and have a debate on the issue," she announced, then her eyes met Bae's, who promptly smiled at her.

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