Chapter 6: Raffle

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Emma's POV

Over a year had passed since that day. Enzo and I became friends. I introduced him to cell phones. He calls from time to time to check up on me. He doesn't have a permanent home as of yet. He wanted to travel around a bit before settling down anywhere.

I'm fifteen now. I'm a freshman in the high school here in Mystic Falls. So far, I haven't managed to make any lasting friendships. My only friend is Enzo. It's not like everyone here is mean. Most people here are actually pretty nice, with a few exceptions. I just haven't really managed to connect with anyone. I think the only people I have anything in common with in this school are Elena and Jeremy. We have dead parents. Not exactly a good topic to connect on.

At the moment, I'm at home finishing up some homework. It was sunset, but I didn't want to stay in the house tonight. Maybe I can go to the grill. I thought as I left my room.

When I made it downstairs, I found Gideon in the living room watching TV. "Gideon, is it alright if I go to the grill tonight?" I asked as I looked for my shoes.

"Yeah, that's fine. Please be back before midnight." he requested as I grabbed my purse.

"Sure thing..." I said as I walked out. I made the twenty minute walk to the grill and made my way in. It was busier than usual. I went up to the bar and asked for some fries and a pop.

As I sat there snacking on some fries, more and more people started to crowd in. I overheard someone say that there was some sort of raffle going on tonight. I watched as more and more people shuffled in.

Eventually, the actual raffle started. Five bachelors stood on a small stage. Carol introduced each one. I only really recognized two of them. Alaric Saltzman, my history teacher, and Damon Salvator. I only recognized Damon because he's in here a lot. I've never really spoken to him. I've never really spoken to his brother, Stefan, either. Just the occasional nod in greeting in the halls.

I watched the introductions. Damon verbally jabbed at Alaric during his own introduction. I feel bad for whoever's ticket gets drawn for him. He seems like a self centered jerk.

After the raffle, I polished off my fries and asked for the check. I paid the bill, left a tip, and left. As I walked out of the grill, I saw a man get hit by a semi. I looked at the body in horror. I quickly took out my phone and called the authorities.

After a quick talk with an officer about what I had witnessed, I walked straight home. I made it home at around 10:30PM. I was getting pretty tired, so I went up to my room and got dressed into some comfy clothes before getting into bed.

As I laid there, I thought about what I had witnessed not even an hour ago. Sure, accidents happen, but this didn't look entirely accidental, maybe for the driver, but not for the person that got hit. I could have sworn I saw him purposefully step out onto the road as I opened the door to the grill.

It looked like he was talking to Stefan and Elena before he got himself hit by that semi. Stefan, ever since he and Damon rolled into town, weird things have been happening. There had been more 'animal attacks' than usual.

I wasn't stupid. I had noticed that every 'animal attack' included some sort of wound on the neck. Could Stefan and Damon possibly be vampires?

And then there's Elena. I noticed that Elena had been acting off. It seemed as if she was really stressed out about something. Is she aware of the supernatural world?

Eventually, all of these thoughts began to die down as my eyes began to feel heavy. As I was falling into unconsciousness, I silently prayed that I wouldn't get dragged into any of the supernatural bullshit that seems to be going on in this town.

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