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CHAPTER TWOi (don't) know you

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i (don't) know you

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "DON'T FORGET TO UNPACK THE YOGURT DRINKS!" Ukai yelled at (y/n) from the register, which caused the girl holding a cardboard box of yogurt drinks to groan. Keishin Ukai, her uncle — also a clunky clerk at the Sakanoshita Market. She would usually help him open up the store before going to school because he definitely seemed like he needed help. Earns her extra pocket money too.

"Ugh, you old man is going to make me late for school" She rolled her eyes jokingly, staring to carefully unpack the drinks one by one.

Her grandmother appeared from behind the man who was lazily leaned back on his chair with a newspaper between his hands. "Come on Ukai, you always do this to my poor granddaughter!" She scolded him.

Afraid of his mother and nervous that he would get scolded further, "W-well fine, you can go" he said.

She laughed at her uncle's sudden change of mind. "I'm just kidding grandma, I'll do it don't worry"

"Alright honey.. but don't be late"

"Got it!"

After unpacking the drinks and also helping the older man restock the shelves, (y/n) checked herself out in the mirror, making sure her makeup looked good. Her usual school uniform neatly wrapped around her skin except the bow — thought it looked tacky. Since the weather was getting cold, she had black tights on. She grabbed her bag and sat down to put on her shoes and leave for school.

Ukai came up stood beside her, lighting up a cigarette. "Yo, (y/n)"

"Yes?" She responded without looking up at him.

"You know anyone from the volleyball club?"

Her hands immediately stopped midway tying her shoes at the mention of the volleyball club, her head now turned to him. "Huh? Why? What happened?"

"Well.. there's this one annoying teacher who wants me to coach the club. I kept rejecting multiple times but he's so persistent"

"Uh huh.." She nodded, allowing him to continue.

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