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when you're not mine i want you all the time

this is a game

i cannot win.

i can play

until i die

but i can never win this game.

i start with you 

i place my X in the center space

and i think to myself

"what a great move"

you place your O 

right next to my X

and smile

thinking we'll win.

but don't you know

only one person 

wins tic-tac-toe.

it's a short game, the one we've been playing.

you make your last move

"i love you"

and that's when i know i've lost. 

that's when my heart stops.

and turns cold.

and all the love i've ever known.

grows old.

i gave you my X's and Os

but now it's time for me to go.

my heart has decided.

it's mortifying.

it's always like this

something is always amiss

but this time it feels right

i won't even try and fight

these feelings i have for you

these feelings, don't tell me we're through,

yes heart i'm talking to you.

well anyway I love you

i love you i love you i love you too

your move.

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