Season 13 Episode 1 Lost and Found

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*An early return because we just hit 30,000 views. Thanks so much and noew, I hope you enjoy*

Dean stared unwaveringly at Castiel's corpse lying on the ground. Robin watched as the bead of sweat ran down his forehead and he nearly vibrated with grief.

"Dean" she said gently. She knew he was processing, and hated to divide his attention, but they had no choice. "Sammy's in there solo. We might wanna check it out."

Dean furrowed his brow and clenched his jaw before raising to his feet. He looked at her for a split second then looked away. He was swift for fear of crumbling. He knew he could with Robin and likely would if his gaze lingered too long. Instead his eyes met the glow from the second-floor window. He nodded, acknowledging he had work to do, then made his way to the front door.

Robin watched his stride, then her attention turned to her fallen comrade on the ground. She crouched next to Castiel, and her breath hitched. She used her hand to close his eyes. "Goodbye Cas" she whispered.

She got to her feet and followed Dean. She had made it to the landing at the top of the stairs when a wave of energy washed over her. Time slowed down and she was flung over the railing. The slow movement made her aware of what was happening as she neared the floor below her. She had enough time to think and teleport herself to the impala. She landed in the cold wet grass behind the car with a ragged gasp.

Her vision blurred, and darkness started to roll in. "Fuck" she huffed. "Clypeus" she placed her hand on her forehead. It was all too familiar, and she wasn't ready to lose herself again. She hoped this feeble attempt might shield her mind if she were to lose consciousness. That was becoming more likely with each breath that rang in her ears.

She was able to see a figure walk out of the cabin. It looked pale and naked. She craned to see it start on the road back to town, before it all went black.

When her eyes started to flutter open she winced at the blinding sun. It was silent except for the soothing sound of the birds chirping. Soothing for a moment. Then she felt the throb in her head and the events of the prior night started to filter into her memories.

She groaned and sat up in time for the front door of the cabin to burst open. "Specks" she heard in a roar.

"Yeah I'm alright" she grumbled getting to her feet.

"You're sure" Sam asked in a concerned tone? The brothers appeared out the front door spotting her as she cringed getting to her feet.

"I figure it's a little soon to make a Juliette joke" she cocked an irritated eyebrow. "Yeah I'm in one piece."

"Did you see him" Dean snarled? He barely looked at her. His head was on a swivel as he approached the gravel road "Which way he went?"

"I saw someone come out" she steadied herself on the trunk of the car. "Took the road."

"Let's roll" Dean ordered in a grunt. His trek sped him towards the impala, but he was stopped short.

"You think we should maybe not leave the vessel out in the morning sun" she suggested? She knew her wording wasn't terribly sensitive. That said, what would have been appropriate? Too sensitive would have pissed her husband off, she knew this. It was a no win battle, she just had to go with the motions at this point.

He reluctantly nodded to his brother and they took a step.

"I got it" she waived her hand and Castiel's body started to rise as she guided him towards the cabin.
"Just get the doors and a sheet. I'll get him to the table."

"Who closed his eyes" Dean grumbled?

"Who do you think" she told him calmly? continuing her trek into the house.

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