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It's the next morning since the bonfire.
I've been glued to this website. There's no way vampires are real.

And if the mannings are vampires how do they even live amongst everyone else?
Clearing the website from my history, i took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

Mason and kandence's hands were cold.
I laugh to myself realizing that I'm just tripping.

I'm only pointing out things because I seen it on that website.

Pulling out my phone, I decided to call Mason.
"Camille?" He answers.
"Yep. What are you doing today?" I ask.

"Uhm probably nothing. Is everything okay?" He questions.
"Yea I just uhm wanted to go over prom" I say making something up on the spot.

I really wanted to tell him about the bonfire and see if he would tell me the real reason of all the conflict.

I nervously paced around. Mason needed to get here before my dad got back home.

Dad went to the police station to get answers about maya.

Knocking at the door almost made me jump out of my skin.

"He's here" I whisper to myself trying not to panic.

Going to the front door, I opened it and smiled.
"Sup" he shyly says.

We sat on my bed as I showed him everything I researched.

"Are you okay?" He asks me, making me seem as if I was crazy.
"India took me to a little get together and they were talking about it. I didn't just look this up on my own" I explained looking him in his eyes so that he knows I was indeed for real.

"Why do you hang with that girl?" He questions bypassing everything I just said.

"She asks me the same thing about you guys." I smartly remark.

I could see his whole demeanor change.
Mason then gets up and walks out of my room.
I decided to follow him.

"You can't just walk away in the middle of a conversation"

He continues walking out the front door.

"If you don't stop then I'm not going to prom with you"

He gets in his car still not saying a thing.

Is he serious right now?

As he began to pull out of the driveway, I jump on the hood of his car.

"You really are crazy" Mason says bringing the car to an erupt stop.

He then gets out of his car which scared me a little. Maybe I should've just let him leave.

He grabs me by the neck part of my shirt and pulls me close.
"No one would ever believe you." He whispers in my ear before letting me go.

A vampire? This has to be a joke.

The longer I stared at him I noticed his eye color.
When I first met him they were dark brown.
Now they're like a golden yellow.

I guess he noticed I was staring and looked away.

"Come on" he grabs my hand, helping me off the hood of his car.

We drove down the road as I noticed no other cars were out here.

Mason pulls over and gets out.
I stayed in the car though.

I don't know what he has up his sleeve and I don't want to find out.

He comes to the passenger side and opens the door.
"No" I shake my head.

He laughs to himself a little. "I'm not going to hurt you" he pleads with his hand out.

Taking my seat belt off, I grabbed his hand and got out the car.

"Hold on tight"

Before I could ask what he was talking about, he puts me on his back and began sprinting towards the woods.

I'm not talking about a regular sprint either. He's going crazy fast.

What is going on right now?

It seemed as if he was going to run head first into a tree. But as we got close he lunged towards it before climbing up the tree.

I wanted to let go and run back to the car but clearly he would catch me.

"Want to see something cool?" He asks as we just walked around the woods with me still on his back.

"It's more?" I ask getting down.

He walks over to this rock that had a little bit of sun shining towards it.

He takes his shirt off and immediately his skin began to glow and sparkle.

It was mesmerizing, honestly.

"I'm not even human Camille" Mason speaks as I run my fingers across his skin.

"I don't care" I chuckle a bit.
He laughs a little too.

Grabbing my hand, he places a kiss on my fingers.


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