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"Don't answer that call" I shouted to Olive from the kitchen.
I tapped my fingers on the counter waiting for the popcorn to pop.
The oven beeped and I let out a sigh. I took it out and grabbed a bottle of soda.
I headed to the living room and glared hard at Olive.
"Seriously girl, this is not a fucking movie so why the hell do you have that with you?"Amanda's voice boomed from the screen making me turn to her after settling beside Olive.
"Your lives are full of drama so I need this with me" I replied and stuffed my mouth with popcorn.
I saw the four of them roll their eyes at my comment and I shrugged.
"You lost your job again?"Lily smirked and I scoffed.
"She did"Olive replied and I glared at her.
"You and your luck"Rose chimed in and I sighed.
"Enough about me, let's talk about you guys" I tried to be subtle about changing the topic hoping they would let it slide.
"Nothing much, San Francisco is the best place to be. I love my job because of the hotties I get to see per day. You guys have gotta see this guy that just started working in my department. He is really handsome" I pouted at Amanda hoping she wouldn't talk about boys this week.
The four of them were my best friend in high school and we did almost everything together. I met Olive later in my senior year in high school and introduced her to my friends. We have all been close friends since then.
This is our Saturday ritual since we are all scattered round the world. We use this to catch up on each other's lives.
"You would never change girl. My work has been really hectic this week. We are working on something big enough to put my boss on the edge. Rob and I have got a date later tonight. We haven't really seen each other all week even though we live together"Angela piped in and I smiled at her.
She studied in New Zealand and got a job there after college. Rob studied here in New York but they were able to make their long distance relationship work.
He transferred there after getting a nice job offer.
"That's nice. I hope you two will get married soon. Maybe you and Olive can have your wedding on the same day" I squealed but was interrupted by choking sound. I turned to her and smirked.
"Come on Olive. You and Ian are bound to marry someday. Like how could you not?" I teased and she kept coughing.
I giggled and rubbed her back to help her calm down.
"When is it going to be your turn Stephanie?"Lily asked and I closed my eyes. I really hoped that question wouldn't come up but life isn't fair.
I slowly opened my eyes and sighed.
"I don't know" I muttered and crossed my hands over my chest at the looks they gave me.
"Rose, how is Liam? Lily, I haven't seen little E today" I said and stuffed my mouth with the forgotten popcorn.
I stared at Rose and watched that loving smile creep onto her face.
"I still can't believe you got married before me" I grumbled as I swallowed the food in my mouth.
"Exactly, we were both the singles in high school. I was single because I wanted to. Rose has little to no luck then and boom she met Liam in college"Amanda said making Rose glare at us through the camera.
"I was fed up with you guys telling me I was going to experience love soon. I envied all four of you relationship then. Amanda was no less as me so..."she smirked and Amanda scoffed loud.
"I found Liam and here we are"she added and I smiled in awe.
"Lily? Where is E?"Angela asked and I was also curious to know.
Lily walked away from the camera and settled back down with her two year old son. He stared at the camera with his big doe eyes and I beamed.
"Hello bumblebean"I cooed and he stared right at me.
"Ant St"he squealed and the girls laughed at that. He meant aunt but it isn't possible to be get mad at his cuteness.
"A-U-N-T. How are you doing?"he gave a thumbs up and I smiled.
I leaned back and watched the girls interact with him.
He is really sweet. He reminds me of someone but she should be around nine now. She was so pretty and I really wonder how she is doing now.
How he is doing now?
A hand shook me making me jump a little.
"You zoned out"Olive said and I gave a sheepish smile.
"What were you thinking about?"Amanda asked and I shrugged.
She rolled her eyes.
"We were discussing where to meet this summer"Angela said and my ears peered up at that.
Our every year tradition.
We choose a city one of us live in to hang out. We went to San Francisco last year.
"We are thinking of coming to New York this year. I have actually missed the place"Angela said and I beamed.
"It will be so much fun"Olive piped in and I nodded agreeing with her.
"Just few months to go"Lily said and we sighed.
"I actually miss seeing you guys' faces everyday. I would like to go back to that hellhole called school if I can relive those times with you guys"Rose sniffed and I sighed feeling sad all of a sudden.
"Stephanie and Olive are lucky to have each other"Angela pouted and I giggled at that.
"Summer is in just few months" I added and received nods in response.
"I hope you get a new and peaceful job soon"Amanda said and I fiddled with my fingers.
Job hunting this week didn't go well so I am crossing my fingers on next week.
"No psychotic or Casanova boss"Angela teased and the girls laughed at that.
At my MISERY. Aren't they the best?
"I guess this is it for this week"Lily grumbled.
"Next week, same time?"I asked wanting to confirm because of the time difference.
Lily lives in London while Rose stays in North Carolina.
"Yup"Angela confirmed after taking her eyes off a notepad. Still the planner as always.
"I will start drafting our plans for summer later today. No time to waste"She added and we all groaned at that. Planning Angela is the worst!
"You guys can groan for all I care. The planning stays on"She huffed and jotted something down.
"Bye guys"Amanda said and we replied the same.
The screen became blank and I closed the laptop.
"You still have that date thing with Ian?" I turned to Olive and finished my popcorn.
"Yes but I would like you to join me"my eyes widened in surprise.
"Why? I loath being the third wheel"
"Double date" I narrowed my eyes at her and gave her a look that screamed what did you do?
"Ian and me, you and Mark "she smiled and I groaned.
"Without asking me. I don't like Mark, he is not my type and I have tried giving him signs to that effect several times. And you had to go plan this behind my back"
"I know that. I just wanted you to tag along knowing you will be bored to death at home. I asked him to be your date"she explained and I ran my fingers through my hair.
"Him of all people?"she shrugged and I glared at her.
"He isn't that bad"she smirked standing up and walked backwards towards her room. "You will enjoy this and thank me for it"she smiled sweetly and disappeared into her room.
Thank her?!
"I swear Olive Mary Whitman, you would pay for this" I shouted.
Oh My God!
An unplanned date!
So great!
I can just ditch this but I would be hurting his feelings.
Damn her for making this stupid date plan without my consent.
Damn me for not wanting to hurt his feelings. Why did he even agree after I declined his date offer so many times?Which clearly indicated I have got no feelings for him.
I turned on the tv and started the Friends show.
It really hits different when watching it with someone.
I just felt like reliving those moments, memories while watching this then.
I continued my popcorn and the soda.
I miss this!
"Come on. It's just a date, I am not asking you to marry him"She shook me making me shift into a sitting position.
"You planned this without me so I am not going" I crossed my hands over my chest wanting to joke around a little.
I am not missing free food at that expensive restaurant.
"It will be fun. Besides I will be there with you"
"More like being smitten by Ian's presence and leaving me to this problem"she blushed at my comment and I rolled my eyes.
"I will.. down"she mumbled and I scoffed.
"You can't tone it down girlfriend"she huffed and closed her eyes.
"Pretty please"she did a puppy dog eyes and I laughed at the comical look.
"You aren't a child anymore. You are 24 so behave like one. I will go on this date because of the free food and enjoy watching your reactions when Ian is present. I will be able to tease you in front of him"I smirked and she pouted.
"You are a really bad friend"she pointed an finger at me and I gasped.
"You are the one who got me on a date with someone I have no interest in"she grinned and got off my bed.
"What are you wearing?"I asked changing the topic and she grinned.
"That golden dress we bought at the mall the last time" I smiled at that remembering how the dress fitted her perfectly.
"You?"I frowned at that.
"A dress"she raised an eyebrow and I shrugged.
I got up and placed my hands on her shoulder pushing her forward.
"Go take a shower so I can get started on your makeup. We don't want Ian seeing how ugly you truly are" I pushed her out and locked the door before I could get a reply from her.
"Bitch"she cussed and banged hard on my door. I chuckled and headed to my wardrobe. I chose a black dress that stopped few inches to my knee.
I settled for that so it wouldn't look like I looked forward to this date.
I applied just lip gloss showing how much I was interested in this.
I settled on a two inch heel after putting my hair into a high ponytail.
"What do you think?"her voice came up immediately she opened my door.
She twirled around a bit before putting her hand on her hip awaiting my comment.
"I think Ian wouldn't be glad to see you in something like this" I said and her smile dropped.
"I knew it. I knew..the..should.will_"
"Because he would spend the evening fending guys off you at the restaurant"her smile widened at my statement before she glared daggers at me.
"You couldn't complete that in one sentence?"she shrieked and I gave her a sweet smile.
"What is the fun in that? Now sit and let me doll you up" I added before she decide to hit me with something.
She settled in my vanity chair and I turned her away from the mirror.
I might not be an expert on that but I love the look on her face when she takes it all in. I got started on her makeup first.
I applied a gold eyeliner complimenting her dress.
Mascara and nude lipstick.
I curled her hair so it looked like bouncy waves.
"Done" I said and turned her to face the mirror. She smiled in content and got up.
"Thank you bestie"she hugged me tight before pulling away.
"You are welcome girl. Now go get your heel and clutch. Ian and that guy would be here any second"she gave me a pointed look and I raised an eyebrow.
"It wouldn't hurt to say his name"I huffed and put on my heels.
She rolled her eyes and got out of my room. I grabbed a small shoulder bag and put all the necessary things in my bag.
I put some cash in case I needed to leave urgently.
I walked out of my room just in time to hear the doorbell ring.
I proceeded to open the door after taking a deep breath.
"Hey"Ian said and gave me a side hug.
"Hi, how are you?" I asked after pulling away and he mumbled a 'fine'.
I moved to the side allowing them to come in.
"How could you?" I said with a tight smile and he had the gut to smile back.
"Olive"he replied and I nodded in understanding.
"I would go check up on her"he rushed out and left me with him.
"Hey sweetheart, you are looking splendid tonight. You look like you spent hours dressing up for me. I can't wait for this date to kick off. I want to know you more"he rushed out with a grin.
You see why I was skeptical about this.
He is just too extra and wouldn't get this simple fact into his thick skull.
"I really spent just thirty minutes dressing up for this dinner. I look forward to the food not that Mark" I grunted and walked to the living room.
"I am hoping to change your mind at the end of the date. Don't believe you managed to look this pretty in just thirty minutes. You are like the ray of light in this dark day of mine"he looked pleased with himself and I just chuckled lightly.
Thank goodness he isn't actually Ian's closest friend. I can't tolerate this guy for too long.
Ray of light in his what?!
"That isn't very smooth dude. Those lines aren't used anymore" I said rolling my eyes and he rubbed his neck furiously.
"Was this job week hectic for you? Mine was really packed. The hotel hall was booked for a wedding today so that has kept me really busy. I rushed down here from there" I nodded and finally took notice of his dressing.
He was wearing a blue tuxedo with a black undershirt and matching pants.
I tried to be subtle as I looked at his shoes. His hair was gelled back.
He is handsome but too weird for my liking. He is about 6ft, dark eyes and he definitely didn't work out.
He doesn't have those perfectly sculpted muscles like somebody but also doesn't have a fat packed up body.
At that young age with those kind of muscles enough to make my brain fuzzy.
I know he has gotten more muscular from the few pictures the paparazzi managed to click in events.
His eyes didn't...
A hand shook me and I snapped out of that. I looked up to see them staring at me. "What?"I asked after clearing my throat. Olive gave me a knowing look with a shake of her head.
"We are about heading out"Ian said and I gave a nod standing up. I got up and walked behind them.
You have gotta stop clouding my thoughts every now and then.
He isn't to be blame.
It's me that can't get him out of my fucking head.
It's becoming annoying and frustrating.
Why is it so fucking hard to move the fuck on?!
"What drinks would you like to be served?"the waiter asked us after handing us the menu.
We decided on a bottle of white wine.
I scanned the restaurant liking the whole calming vibe. There were people dressed in formal clothes scattered round the restaurant.
"You didn't answer my question Steph" I turned to Mark and raised an eyebrow confused.
"Your week?"he said before planting his face on his hand placed on the table.
"I went job hunting and haven't gotten any call backs so far" I replied and sipped the water on the table to appear busy.
Hoping he would take the hint!
"You have a job"he stated and I sighed.
I glanced at Olive for help to see them lost in their own bubble.
"Had"I said a little harsh and he nodded.
"You will get one. You are pretty and intelligent so any company would be lucky to have you"I smiled at that.
The waiter came back with the wine and poured us small quantity.
"Ready to order?"he asked and handed us the menu.
I went with the steak and mashed potatoes.
"I will get the same thing as the lady"Mark said without looking through the menu making me scoff.
I leaned back in my chair and laced my fingers on the table.
"I really love this place"Olive mumbled looking around.
"You haven't even tasted their food" I gave her a pointed look and she shrugged.
"I am sure it's gonna be nice"
She turned back to Ian and struck another conversation with him leaving me alone.
The waiter brought back our orders and I breathed a sigh of relief.
I dug in and moan lowly due to the taste of the food. Olive was right and she made sure to stuck her tongue out childishly at me. I rolled my eyes deciding not to comment on that.
"The steak is well cooked, right Stephanie?"Mark asked with a full blown smile and I nodded with a small smile.
"For the first time, I didn't find anything wrong with this food. The chefs are really good and I hope the one at the hotel can step up their game. That would attract more people to our hotel"he explained and I nodded in agreement.
He is quite smart, I can give him that.
"You are always thinking of ways to improve that hotel"Ian grunted and we chuckled lightly.
"That is the way to get a promotion or even get a raise"he replied and Ian just hummed in response.
We spent the next thirty minutes finishing our food without uttering a single word.
"Are you paying with your card or cash?"the waiter asked as he handed the boys our bill.
Ian and Mark split the bill.
Really enjoyed the free food.
We got up and walked out of the restaurant.
Mark and I settled in the backseat of Ian's Range Rover.
I stared out through the window as the car started. Old habits does stick till the end. The bustling street of New York was always interesting to see.
Staring at people going about with their lives just interest me.
I rested my head on the headrest and closed my eyes.
Just for five minutes!

"Steph!!Wake up"a hand shook me and I groaned turning my face to the other side.
"We are at your house so you can go sleep comfortably on your bed"I forced my eyes to open at that statement and let out a yawn. I covered it with hand and stared at Mark who looked like he had something to say.
"W-would you be... time?"he met my gaze and I sighed already predicted he was going to ask me something like this.
"Yup, I am always up for a friendly dinner" I gave a small smile trying not to sound rude or harsh.
"Stephanie, I like you"he said and I blinked so many times.
I knew this but hoped he would keep it bottled up. This is going to make this awkward.
"I am sorry. I don't like you like that. Just as a friend. I am sorry I don't feel that way. Trust me, you would find a girl that will reciprocate your feelings. I am just not that girl. It's not that there is something wrong with you or you are lacking anything. You are perfect just the way you are. I have been finding it hard to like someone that much" I whispered the last part and fiddled with my fingers.
He gave me a bitter smile and rubbed his face. "I always knew but it hurts more hearing you say it out loud"he chuckled dryly and I smacked my lips together.
"You will find the one" I squeezed his hand and got out of the car.
Those psychology classes really did pay off. I hope he listened to every word I said. I don't want him to hurt himself because of me.
He is not the problem, I am.
I can't just...
Few relationships here and there, it was never like what we shared.
I am really screwed.
"You told him the truth?"Olive asked and I nodded. "Don't beat yourself over it. It's not your fault you don't like him"I gave another nod and entered the house.
"Ian?"I asked looking around.
"In my room"she blushed hard and I wiggled my eyebrow.
"Don't be too loud okay. I need my beauty sleep" I hurried to my room and ducked in time to escape the wrath of her clutch.
"Save your energy for later tonight girlfriend" I shouted and locked my door quickly.
"You are so gonna get it Stephanie Walker"she shrieked and I laughed. It's always fun to rile her up.
I grabbed comfy clothes, his and headed to the bathroom.
I put on the clothes that smell much like me now.
I climbed into my bed and sighed loud.
How do you erase an important part of your life? I need him and his memories gone.
I fucking need help!

Does she though?
I would advise my new readers to read the first book to understand this better.
Press that little star

Getting to know him againWhere stories live. Discover now