iii. sleepless and stressed

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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


"Smart, sexy, Lacy.
Im losing it lately."

(a/n btw idc if the living situation isnt realistic or wtv)


PAIGE BUECKERS HAD ABOUT LOST IT. She had been pacing around her shared apartment all afternoon. Ice and KK had just informed her that during trainings this month, Lacy DiAngelo would be staying in their apartment. It would be Paige, Ice, KK, and Lacy.

Paige was livid. Something about the DiAngelo girl just infuriated her. She was always so perfect and so good at basketball, but she was such a bitch. At least, Paige thought she was.

They were supposed to pick her up from the airport in half an hour. Ice and KK had insisted she join them despite her protests.

Thirty minutes later, they were pulling up in the airport pickup lane. KK was excitedly texting Lacy as the girls flight had landed and she was headed outside. The trio hopped out of the car, Paige hung back slightly only to be dragged out by KK. They leaned against the car impatiently, well, KK and Ice were impatient. Paige just lazily looked at her phone and fantasized about going home and sleeping.

The automatic doors slid open and Lacy stepped out onto the concrete. The girl was wearing black baggy sweats and a cropped red tank top. Paige looked up from her phone and did a double take, it was a simple outfit but she had never seen Lacy in much besides a basketball jersey.

"LACYY!" KK screamed running over to  the girl and practically jumping on top of her. Ice followed giving Lacy a big hug. Paige just stood there awkwardly.
Lacy turned her attention from the excited girls to the bored looking blonde.

"Sup Bueckers" She spoke with a slight smirk.

"Sup Ace." Paige nodded curtly, turning to open the passenger side door.

"SHOTGUN!" KK suddenly yelled charging forward and into the seat. Paige just sighed and sat in the back as Ice helped Lacy get her suitcase in the trunk.

Lacy cautiously sat in the back seat next to Paige. Ice was driving so there was no other option.

Lacy looked over at Paige every now and then, the blonde had her head pointed at her phone, ignoring her.

"So," KK broke the awkward silence, "How was graduation?"

"Well it was sad leaving all my friends, and my boyfriend and stuff. But, I'm ready to focus on UConn." Paiges head snapped up slightly at the mention of Lacy having a boyfriend. If only she knew that Lacy left out the part where she broke up with her boyfriend, Liam, a few days after graduation. They had drifted and Lacy was almost 99% sure she liked the other team.

They arrived at the apartment a few minutes later and hauled Lacy's stuff upstairs. It was almost 11:30 by now.

"So you can either sleep on the couch, or you can take Paige's bed. Whatever makes you comfortable-" Ice told Lacy, before getting cut off.

"-Wha? Why my bed?" Paige yelled from the couch.

"Because I share a room with KK and that bitches constant snoring will keep Lacy up." Ice replied, KK flipped her off.

"It's fine I'll just take the couch." Lacy didn't mind, it was nice for them to let her stay over so she didn't care where she slept.


A few hours later, Lacy was sitting at the kitchen counter looking at instagram. It was almost 2 AM, but she couldn't sleep. The couch was comfy but she was incredibly stressed out about tomorrow.

She heard soft footsteps behind her, she turned to find Paige, looking half dead.

"Why are you up?" Paige groggily asked, heading towards the fridge to grab a water.

"Couldn't sleep." Lacy replied, her eyes following Paige's every move.

"What, is the couch not up to your rich Edgewood snob standards?" Paige rolled her eyes.

"No the couch is fine." Lacy looked down at her phone.

"Then what?"

"Just stressed about tomorrow- it's nothing." Lacy stood up from her chair and started to head back to the living space.

"Hey wait- come here." Paige said to Lacy as she started walking towards her room. The brunette was confused but followed Paige down the hall anyway.

They entered Paige's room and Lacy looked around. It was actually decorated and looked cozy.

"So what do you want?" Lacy asked, crossing her arms.

"You can take my bed, you need the sleep." Paige looked up at Lacy, looking directly in her eyes for the first time since she'd arrived. Lacy's glare softened slightly.

"But- where will you sleep?"

"I'll take the couch, Ace." Paige headed out the door as Lacy sat down on her bed. She was engulfed in a strong scent of Paige, it oddly was comforting. Before Paige could even close the door, she heard Lacy's soft voice speak up.

"Will you stay? We can share?" Lacy asked, surprising herself. She scooted  over on the bed so she was almost pressed against the wall.

"I-uh-sure." Paige awkwardly shut the door and got under the covers next to Lacy. They both shuffled around on the bed for a second, getting comfortable.

Paige was shitting bricks. She and Lacy were sharing a bed. Like what the fuck? Sharing a bed with her rival?

"Hey Paige?" Lacy whispered.

"What?" Paige replied.

"Thank you." Paige just nodded, even though Lacy couldn't see her in the dark.

Paige shifted slightly and her leg touched Lacy's under the blanket. She expected the girl to fly up from the bed and beat her with a frying pan, but she didn't. In fact, she didn't even move her leg at all.


(a/n: a cute ending cuz ima make them fight in the next chapter🤫)

𝑳𝑨𝑪𝒀, p. bueckersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang