Alone again

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Siyad Ali dashed towards the nearby supermarket, his heart pounding.

"Hello! Robin? Sooraj? Karthik? Are you here?" His voice echoed through the vast expanse of the mall, but there was no response except for bangings on walls and stuff above

Just then, Robin's voice rang out, startling Siyad Ali as he appeared from the floor above.

"Yellow!" Robin exclaimed, landing gracefully beside Siyad Ali.

"Oh Robin, Our team all turned into shadow sapians. Where are the others?" Siyad Ali's voice trembled with apprehension.

"Wait, so I was correct? And you couldn't do anything? You look like you got to level 2 or somethin'," Robin observed, his tone a mix of concern and disbelief.

"I couldn't, okay! They were too strong. I need help," Siyad Ali admitted, his face betraying his fear.

"You came at the right time. I need help too," Robin confessed, his expression grave.

"What do you mean, help?" Siyad Ali asked, confusion evident in his voice.

"You see, I was about to come to you guys because Sooraj and Karthik turned into them," Robin explained, his words heavy with the weight of the situation.

"So the only ones safe are us?" Siyad Ali concluded, a sinking feeling settling in his stomach.

"Yep, unfortunately. We have to deal with this problem now because the door closing them is about to explode," Robin stated matter-of-factly.

Just as Robin spoke, an explosion rocked the floor above them, sending shockwaves through the mall.

"Yep, here we go. It's hero time!... You can transform them back, right?" Robin turned to Siyad Ali, a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"Yes, I can try," Siyad Ali replied, steeling himself for the battle ahead.

Together, they leaped to the first floor above and assumed fighting positions as they confronted their friends, now cloaked in the sinister black goo of the shadow sapians.

"So what do we do? Do you know anything?" Robin asked Siyad Ali, his gaze never leaving the shadow sapians.

"I know that they are somehow afraid of water, and they are afraid of me because I can turn them back to human," Siyad Ali replied, his hands trembling as he faced the ominous creatures.

"Water, huh? So I just have to hit some water onto them. That should be easy," Robin remarked, a hint of determination in his voice.

"I can control water, barely. Let me go out into the rain to connect to the water. I think I can gather quite a few loads of water like that. Meanwhile, hold them off," Robin declared, already making his way towards the exit.

"Here I am, alone again. What a pain," Siyad Ali muttered to himself, steeling his nerves as he prepared to confront the shadow sapians in the dimly lit supermarket.

As Siyad Ali faces the shadow sapians in the dimly lit supermarket, he knows he must act quickly and decisively to stand any chance against them. With his heart racing and adrenaline coursing through his veins, Siyad Ali remembers the green glow of his glove, now turned red, covering his entire body.

"I need to save my friends, I have to, It ain't even a choice," With a fierce gaze, Siyad Ali locks eyes with the shadow sapian, his glare burning with righteous fury. The intensity of his anger radiates like a blazing inferno, fueling his determination to confront the sinister foe before him. In that fiery moment, he channels all of his strength and resolve, ready to face the challenges lie ahead in his quest to defeat the shadow sapians and restore peace to the world.

Drawing upon the newfound power coursing through him, Siyad Ali focuses his mind. he charges at the nearest shadow sapian, his movements fluid and precise. Using his enhanced strength and agility, Siyad Ali engages the shadow sapian in a breathtaking display of combat, dodging its attacks with lightning reflexes and delivering powerful strikes with his gloved fists.Trying to land hundreds of blows while dodging 200 in seconds Siyad ali moves like thunder But the shadow sapians dodging all of them, The strength of the shadow sapians was proportional to the strength of the host

"I can't fight him for long, but I need, I will" Siyad ali screams

Siyad Ali went to the third level and advanced to the peak of his abilities, he taps into his fullest potential, unleashing a torrent of energy that sends shockwaves rippling through the air. With lightning speed, he moves among the shadow sapians, striking them with precision while they are thrown off balance by the force of the impact. With each enemy he defeats, the red glow of his glove intensifies, driving him forward with renewed determination to protect his friends.

The second after the shockwave, Siyad ali clutched his fists and dashed towards the shadow sapians while they were offbalanced and punched all of them at once, The strength of the punches were so strong, the force behind each strike echoed like a thunderous explosion, reverberating through the air. The shadow sapians turned back into Sooraj and Mithun while unconscious and stuck on the wall

Exhaustion coursed through Siyad Ali's body as he knelt on the ground, a sense of relief washing over him at the sight of his friends freed from the clutches of the shadow sapians. Despite the satisfaction of his accomplishment, a heavy weariness weighed upon him, his muscles aching and his mind clouded with fatigue. The immense strain of wielding the power of the glove had taken its toll, draining him of strength and leaving him  to the pull of unconsciousness. With a final, labored breath, Siyad Ali succumbed to the overwhelming weariness, his body slumping forward, turning him unconsciousness.

Robin's astonishment was palpable as he looked at Siyad Ali, his eyes wide with disbelief. "While I was there trying to master water style, you single-handedly defeated them? Well, at least I mastered water style pretty easily."

With a determined expression, Robin approached Mithun and Sooraj, using his newfound power to conjure water from the air. Thrusting it at them, he watched as they woke up, choking and sputtering.

"Hey, Robin, stop that," Mithun protested, wiping the water from his face.

"Then wake up, we've got work to do," Robin replied, his tone firm and resolute.



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