Big Brown Boxes

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moving on is hard to do when it's not you I'm moving on to

leaving you makes me blue i don't ever want to miss you

holding you i'm scared to do i fear i won't let go

but hurting you i'd never do so i stay cause you want me so-

packing up all my things into big brown boxes

looking at the empty shelves that sit in my closet

scrolling through the photos wish i owned a heart shaped locket

so i could pack you up and take you with me when i leave on the-

24th of may i hope to see your face

wrap your arms around me say you wish i could stay

i'll pretend not to cry as if i'm okay

but my mascara will be running the second you look away-

from the nights we spent talking about nothing at all

to the games you never played you don't even own a ball

and the i love you's you said knowing they'd come with regret

because now i have to go knowing i could lose you, no-

one ever got me the way you understand

when all i could see was black you came and grabbed my hand

taught me how it feels to be loved and wanted

and i know you're probably going to leave me haunted-

by the words you said that made me fall like the leaves in august

and the smile you gave like you could stop the storms that taunt us

the way you made me feel as though i was something special

i love you now, then, forever, i love you just like i promised.

butterfly kisses and sorrow missesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu