authors warnings and stuff

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So yeah, there's going to be mostly fluff in this not a lot of smut or angst because to me it's not really worth writeing when I don't understand how it really works seeing as how DJ is at least 10 times bigger than El chip

So yeah, there's going to be mostly fluff in this not a lot of smut or angst because to me it's not really worth writeing when I don't understand how it really works seeing as how DJ is at least 10 times bigger than El chip

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

(Older Photo for refrence [sun is 12'11 in my au so El chip is tiny])

About the author

I have always loved books, and honestly love my friends this could not happen without my friends max, lexion and lux who have been here for me throughout everything still being here for me now, this also could not happen without my mother who's been a strong single mother for most of my life, lastly this could not happen without my bully's yes you heard me correctly my bully's they may be Assholes who don't deserve any attention but oh well they may have hated me for existing and likeing gacha but the more they hated me the more I started to love being online eventually downloading this app and starting to attempt to write books them never coming out how I want them but that's alright because I really don't mind it got me to were I am today, now remember your never fully dressed without a smile and I love you all!! Have a good day
                     - sincerely
                            The author Asher <3

Glamrock El chip x Dj music man! Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt