Mother of Pink

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"I can't believe tomorrow is the last day of school, I'm going to miss you guys so much," I moaned.

"I know! I can't wait and I'll miss you too," Mia replied. She and Rory were staying at Hogwarts for the holidays.

"I'm going to miss all of you too, I'll be with my parents this holiday," Lily joined in.

After a little while, we all went to our dorm and me and Lily started to pack. My belongings were a complete mess. My clothes were scattered all around my wardrobe and it would take a while to sort it all out. I wasn't bothered, so remembering a spell, I cast it then packed quite a few outfits but not everything since I was only going away for a week.

I chucked in some stuff from my vanity table and any other important items. I was packed after a short while. Perfect, I had enough time to do what I wanted. End the school term with a bang.

I was going to prank the entire school in celebration of the holiday. I was going end the term with an awesome prank.

Hogwarts was in for a pink surprise.

When it was around ten pm,  and all my dorm mates had started to get ready for bed I put on some pyjamas and pretended to sleep. I waited until midnight then I escaped from my dorm room. I slowly went down the stairs and to my delight the common room was empty. Most likely many people were packing their things at the last minute, and getting ready for bed. 

I walked to the portrait hole and was about to pass through when I felt something bump into me. I gasped, but there was no one there. I stared, transfixed at the spot where I had felt someone bump into me. I moved my arms out and moved forward but felt nothing. I moved a few more steps with my arms out, but still felt nothing. Frowning, my hands returned to their sides and I decided to leave. I didn't have time for something silly like this. It was probably a ghost playing tricks on me.

Speaking of ghosts, I had been becoming friendly with Peeves recently. I suppose he could just sense the prankster in me. He was also enjoying taunting the Marauders at every opportunity and even made up songs about them. 

But I had forgotten to ask him to meet me tonight as I needed a little bit of help. So I had to search for him. Where would Peeves be at night? I had a few ideas but I thought finding a ghost and asking them directly would be quicker. So, after taking the form of a Ravenclaw who had been showing some attitude to Lily that morning, I went to visit Moaning Myrtle. No one would be on the same floor at that time since no one would want to deal with her. So even if she did starting shrieking I doubted I would be caught. 

I headed off to the girls toilets, taking care to be quiet and stealthy. I returned to my normal form but when I opened the door, I saw Myrtle staring at the taps. She hadn't even heard me, but I moved closer and noticed one of the taps had a snake engraved on it. Strange, that seemed like some sort of Slytherin emblem. 

I ignored it and cleared my throat. She finally noticed me and stared at me, suspicious.

"What are you doing here at this time?"

I'd conversed with her only once before, but she hadn't started screaming so I took that as a sign that she liked me.

"Hi Myrtle,  I was just wondering if you could tell me where I could find Peeves?" Obviously this wasn't the right thing to say and her face immediately changed.

"Peeves?! I knew it! You're just like the others, you want to join in with Peeves and started teasing me! You'll bully me and tease me about my glasses. Just like Olive Hornby! In fact it was her fault I died!" She seethed.

For a moment my blood felt cold. I suddenly remembered the strange dream I'd had. A dream about a girl who had been killed at Hogwarts. It couldn't be Myrtle, could it?

Secret Prankster (Sirius Black) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now