Hyunghyuk ~ Hypoglycemia (🌸)

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Main Ship/s: HyunghyukTop: MinhyukRelationship: LoversType: Fluff

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Main Ship/s: Hyunghyuk
Top: Minhyuk
Relationship: Lovers
Type: Fluff

(For Hyunghyuk Shippers!)


Hyungwon, a member of Monsta X, is currently struggling because of his hypoglycemia. No one knows about his disease, not even Minhyuk knows. His boyfriend got concerned about his younger as he started to notice that he is struggling to walk sometimes if he doesn't eat sweets. The two males are currently in their room, resting for they are both tired.

Minhyuk in a worried tone: Jagiya, you've been acting weird lately... Is everything alright?
Hyungwon fakely smiling: Don't worry, I'm completely fine, love
Minhyuk in a worried tone: Hun, please stop lying. I already noticed
Hyungwon: Sigh... I have... Hypoglycemia... I'm struggling because nobody knows about my disease yet, really... I barely even find any sweets in the refrigerator so I usually go outside to buy a whole box of sweets
Mimhyuk: You could've told me about this, love. I could've made sweets for your hypoglycemia
Hyungwon: I just... Don't want to worry about me because of my hypoglycemia, hyung...
Minhyuk raising his voice: So what are you trying to say? I shouldn't worry about you when you're already having a hard time?


Minhyuk: I- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to raise my voice at you... I'm just... Worried...
Hyungwon slightly smiling: It's alright, Minhyukie-hyung. I understand that you're worried about me
Minhyuk in a soft tone: Just promise me to tell me if you have a problem or ill, alright?

Hyungwon hummed then laid down to get some rest and have energy for their practice later.

2 hours later

When Hyungwon woke up, he noticed that his boyfriend wasn't in their bed. He was assured that he was making sweets for him once he wake up. As Minhyuk came in their room, he saw Hyungwon rubbing his eyes.

Minhyuk smiling: Hello, my love
Hyungwon in a sleepy tone: If I'm guessing, you made sweets for my hypoglycemia?
Minhyuk: Ne
Hyungwon slightly smiling: Thanks Minhyuk-hyungie
Minhyuk smiling: You're welcome babe

✨🎉~The End~🎉✨

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