2. A New Adventure.

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Percy was reluctant to cross the borders, turning to survey the camp for a final time when he reached Thalia's tree. He had no intentions of returning, not while Nathan was still an active presence within the camp. Careful not to disturb the sleeping dragon, he reached over Peleus' scaly hide to press his hand against the tree, praying for luck.

Then he stepped over the border, a chill running down his spine. He questioned his decision for a moment before shaking his head, as if to clear it, and continued to walk forward. His one regret was not saying goodbye to Grover, Nico and Leo, at least not in person. Notes hidden beneath his pillow now seemed impersonal, but he was well aware that they would either try to persuade him to stay or offer to accompany him. Percy would have been weak to such an offer, but objectively he knew that it would be unfair to drag them along when he didn't even know where he was going himself. His mom and Paul's apartment was a fairly lucrative prospect, as Percy knew that they would want to know that he was safe, but he also had to consider that it would likely be the first place anyone looked for him. If anyone looked at all.

For a moment he considered Alaska or some other land that was beyond the gods, wanting nothing more than to escape, to get away. It would be a fresh start, a chance to be something new.

He walked on, heading up towards the road when there was a sharp burst of light, momentarily blinding him, dark spots dancing in his eyes. The chill crept up his spine yet again as there was a sudden rumble of thunder, not making logical sense when there wasn't a cloud in the dark sky.

"Perseus Jackson." Two voices sounded, his vision clearing. Unfortunately, they were two voices that he recognised.

"What, you're going to tell me that I can't leave?" Percy glared at them. "You need me to fulfil the next Great Prophecy?"

Zeus sighed, scowling at the ground in favour of looking at Percy, an expression of pure distaste on his face. Percy was well aware of the god's dislike of him, knowing how fond Zeus was on putting forth a vote on 'should we kill Percy Jackson' every Solstice. Thankfully, he was yet to succeed.

"We need you to do a favour for us, Perseus," Hades stated dryly, looking the epitome of boredom. "And no, it is not fulfilling the next Prophecy. Yet."

"Why, would the God of the Skies and the God of the Underworld, want me, the son of the Sea God, to do them a favour?" Percy huffed, not caring anymore about offending them. "Why should I do you a favour anyway?"

"Well Perseus, you have absolutely nothing left." Hades gave him a chilling smile, hitting exactly where it hurt. "Why wouldn't you?"

Percy's expression darkened. "I'm perfectly aware of that fact, Uncle. You don't need to remind me."

"I was stating a simple fact we all know to be true." Hades merely shrugged. "You've lost everything Perseus. We can give you something back."

"All of your gifts come with a price," Percy responded with a shake of the head. "I don't think I want to find out what that price is."

"You've already paid the price, Perseus," Hades smirked. "You would have to lose everything, and well, you already have. You're the perfect candidate."

"Candidate for what?" Percy regarded them with suspicion, still concerned that Zeus was yet to say a word.

"Lord Chaos needs an army, Perseus, and it seems that you are the most suitable for the job. In his opinion." Zeus responded with a lofty sigh. "I personally do not understand why he would want you, but I have a feeling that he has a soft spot for the outcasts."

"Zeus, dear, there really is no reason to be so nasty to the boy." An omniscient voice drawled. Percy uncapped Riptide, the pen having been in his hand since he had come face to face with his uncles.

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