A Bronze Hoof

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A/N: Don't be ghost readers, comment with ideas, and I may use them! Special thanks to @ritzerizer for all the votes!

The following day, Rachel woke up early, excitement pumping her with energy to be Leo's sister. She sat up bolt right, the small cot set up in her cave swaying dangerously. Rachel grinned maniacally, leaping off her cot and swiping a hairpin off her tiny dresser. She shoved it in, then shook her head and pulled it out. She wanted to look nice for Percy, not like some impatient kid.
Opening the top drawer of the dresser, Rachel pulled out a brush, and started combing down the mass of unruly hair. She groaned, this would take hours to tame!
Unless.... She smiled, unless Aphrodite stepped in. She tromped out of her dwelling, the brush still caught in a particularly large knot of hair. Green grass was parted around a well trodden path to the cave, and bees hummed along as they pollinated dandelions.

That was something Rachel loved about camp, it was always summer! Thanks to satyrs, pleased parents, a centaur, and a punished god, camp was a haven for the children of Greek gods and goddesses.
The scene was surrounded by thick woods on three sides, and on the fourth a hill with a single gleaming pine tree, gold glittering on a low hanging branch, the fleece.
Rachel smiled as she reached the front of the Aphrodite cabin. It still looked like a frilly pink dollhouse, but it wasn't as bad as when Drew was head councilor. Without knocking, Rachel marched in, just to find a cabin full of sleeping faces. She thought about waking Piper, but decided against it.

No offense to her or anything, but she wasn't exactly a wardrobe or make-up artist. She crept over to a pretty girl with a mane of golden brown curls, and gently patted her shoulder.
The girl opened wide, Amber eyes, only to hear a fierce whisper, "Shh, I need help with my hair!"
A grin broke across the girls face and she slid out of bed, a lacy white nightgown reaching to her ankles. She silently tiptoed out the door, motioning for Rachel to follow.

Once they were outside the dollhouse, the girl put her chin in her hand, thinking. "Wavy, but pinned back on one side. Parted to the left."

Rachel shrugged and watched the girl produce a straightener from thin air, and plucked the brush from Rachel's hair, with absolutely zero effort. She raised an eyebrow, "Turn around!?"

Rachel paused, "Er, ok, but uh, who are you?"
The girl giggled, "I'm Sasha, now come here and let me do your hair!"
Rachel nodded slowly, and turned around. The girl hummed the tune to a Taylor swift song, as she slid the brush through Rachel's hair, in one hand she held the straightener.
She worked fast and gently, Rachel couldn't feel a single knot. Since she was so energetic, she fidgeted around, she was wasting time here!
"Almost done?" Rachel asked impatiently, fingers pulling down her shirt, drumming against her legs, doing everything but staying still.
Sasha just hushed her like an old nanny and returned to humming. Sasha brushed and brushed, and brushed. After what seemed like forever, she turned Rachel around and gently pinned a clip into the right side of her hair.
Rachel looked down at her... Lonnng hair. Uncurled, it fell in waves down to her hips, and it was soft and silky to the touch. She sucked in a breath when Sasha produced a mirror. She was gorgeous! A gentle breeze lifted a piece of hair, and swished over her face, teasing.
Rachel broke into a grin, knowing the wait was worth it. Percy would be knocked off his feet!
"Thanks Sasha!" Rachel normally didn't care for beauty and makeup, but she wanted to impress.
Sasha half smiled, but then frowned, "No no no no, it's all wrong!"
A flash of hurt hit me like a wave, "It's...It's bad?"
Sasha widened her eyes, "Oh hun, the hair is perfect, I'm talking about the outfit, it just doesn't seem... Fitting."

Rachel wasn't stupid enough to think that's the word she meant. She was just being polite. I mean, for the love of Zeus she was in ripped up, paint spattered jeans and her first camp shirt.
"It's kinda the same for all my clothes... Painted jeans and a shirt." Rachel said biting her lip.
Sasha rolled her eyes, "Just wear something of mine, BRB!!"
Rachel shifted her feet, waiting for Sasha to return. Rachel looked down at her outfit, and pouted a bit. There was nothing wrong with her current dress, and anything outside the style seemed wrong. She glanced at the Aphrodite cabin, watching for Sasha, and when she didn't see her took off running towards the Poseidon cabin.
Upon reaching it she knocked on one of the coral encrusted pillars. "Percy," she wheezed, "Percy."
Percy had been sitting on his bunk playing with riptide, but when he heard Rachel he headed to the door, and shot a look at a snoring Tyson.
"Hey Rachel," he said as his heart skipped a beat, she looked so vulnerable, and pretty, especially now with her hair like that, "Wow." That was all he could manage to say.

Rachel looked up into his sparkling sea green eyes, and a warmth spread over her. He was so cute, dark brown hair still poking up from sleep, tanned arms frozen midair in a wave.
"Hey," she began, "Ready for our monster location session?"

'Gods she's so hot!' Percy opened and closed his mouth like a fish, and choked out; "Lake."

Rachel could see him at a loss for words, so she was stunning. Good!
She took his hand with a grin and tugged him all the way over to the lake, where she sat crisscross on the soft white sand, pulling Percy down with her.
"Where's the newspapers and other information?" Percy asked, avoiding looking at her.
"I already have a monster, it's a Colchis bull in Colorado."
Percy blinked, "Oh, cool."

He'd been thinking about Annabeth, she was avoiding him. He couldn't even get within ten feet before she'd leave. But when Rachel spoke, it pulled him back to reality, and he looked at her soft pink lips.
Percy was hypnotized, and before she could reply, he took her chin in his thumb, and turned her head to look at him.
Leaning forward, he kissed her gently, not daring to damage such perfection.

(Er so this is a bit... Uh graphic? Not sexual I swear!!!!!)

She kissed him back, butterflies in her stomach. This was it, the real deal, not just some little kiss at the beach, but one of need and love.

Percy's tongue licked her lower lip, asking for entrance to her mouth, his hand sliding from her chin to her cheek. She resisted, and pulled away a bit, "Percy, aren't you dating Annabeth?" She murmured.
He didn't reply, just pulled her in for another kiss! This time, he bit her lower lip, hard enough to draw blood. The shock and quick slight pain caused her mouth to part slightly, and Percy took the opportunity.
He slid his tongue into her mouth, and explored.

<A/N: Wow that was so weird to write but I'm a detailed writer, I think, so I couldn't not..... Er so....>

When they pulled away, Rachel was breathing hard. He was finally hers! She turned sideways, so she could lean her head on his shoulder. Percy was glad she was into him. Because he was finally over Annabeth, he didn't need her anymore! Rachel was his new girlfriend. And he liked that. He loved it in fact, because Rachel was wild and carefree, fun and feisty. He smiled, and kissed the top of her head. Then together they stared out at the lake, watching the water ripple.

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