Since the Incident.

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3 days later

Bonnie was still searching for a book or some type of clue to help her. Her hair was already a bit messy due to stress. She could easily lose her mind in this place if she didn't calm down.


"Alright. As I told you before, Chad, I'll be gone. Not sure how long, but most of the day is a huge possibility. Make sure Marceline doesn't use that portal. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. Now, go to her before she wakes up." Chad walked to the room as Hunson looked for the piece of chalk he uses to draw the face.

Chad shook Marcy a bit. "Hey, hey Marceline. Wake up, Marceline!"

She slowly opened her eyes. "Hmm? What's the deal, now?"

"It's your dad," he whispered. "He's about to leave, ya better go catch him."

Marcy slowly sat up. "Oh, right."

Chad and Marcy looked out the doorway and saw Hunson. He was drawing the face, and Marcy tried to see it from where she was. She could see it, even thought it was just a tad blurry from where they were. Chad suddenly pushed Marcy back in the room. "Hey, I told you keep your hinny in this room!"

"What? I know, but... wait, what?!"

"You heard me!"

Marcy saw a maid behind Chad in the hallway and realized what Chad was doing. "Oh, I'm sorry, but I just wanna go back so badly!" That was true, but it sounded a bit played off. The maid kept on walking.

"Okay she's gone. " They heard a ripping noise in the living room. "That must be your dad. Here's the plan: we can walk in there all casually and get you a snack or a drink or something. Make sure to glance at the face a few times before we come back, okay?"

They whispered to each other.

"Okay, but why are you helping me?"

"I know what it's like to fall for a girl, Marceline. Getting back to her is all your heart desires, right?"

She was surprised he figured it out. "What?"

"I see the way your eyes light up when you talk about her, and I don't mind it one bit. Now, do we have a deal?"

They shook hands. "Deal."

Chad held Marcy's wrist as they walked down the hall. She looked at the face from the distance. It was drawn on the wall across from a table in the front room. They saw the same maid from before cleaning a few things near the kitchen.

"Follow my lead," he whispered in her ear.

She nodded.

"So, what'd'ya wanna eat, little brat?"

"Hey! Do not call me that."

"I'll call you what I please."

She rolled her eyes, "gosh, I can't even get a snack in piece."

Chad picked her up and sat her in a chair. "Just sit there and don't move," he demanded.

Marcy crossed her arms.

Chad spoke to the maid. "Miss Hazel, could you fetch us something red while I handle her?"

Hazel chuckled. "Sure." She was one if the pretty demons, wearing a maid's attire.

"Okay," he whispered to Marcy as Hazel went in the kitchen, "I forgot to tell you something important, but just follow my lead again."

"Tell me what?"

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