heeki - jealousy

922 21 24

Request by Tahsuku

Enhypen's younger and the eldest members were secretly dating . It's not that  they didn't trust their members with their relationship , they just wanted to enjoy their space without anyone hovering around  or teasing them .

But a Secret relationship comes with both pros and cons .

Niki was sitting on the couch , trying to kill  time by scrolling through his phone .

Heeseung slowly approached the couch and sat beside him while rubbing his eyes with his fist to ease the sleepiness away .

Niki saw him in his peripheral vision , without taking his eye off his phone,  he wrapped his arms around his hyung's waist and pulled him closer to him .

Heeseung snuggled into his side , then suddenly he jolted and said ," don't make me sleep once more " whines lightly .

Niki put his phone side , grabbed him by his  waist and pulled him  on his lap .

" Ki .." heeseung whispered .

Niki snuggled into his neck , making heeseung arch his back slightly and closed his eyes.

Niki started to give butterfly kisses there , heeseung tilted his head to give more room for him to do whatever the younger wanted .

" Did u complete ur assignments ?" heeseung asked , his fingers threading  through niki's hair , slightly pulling and playing with the soft blonde strands , who was busy leaving his hickey's in his neck .

" Yae "niki murmured, stopping his  kisses  and wrapped his arm around heeseung . They stayed like that , it was a rare moments without boys hovering around them . They just wanted to cease  this moment to be in their own bubble .

There moment was cut short by the sound of keys clinking  as the door opened .

Heeseung  quickly got up from niki's lap and sat beside him like nothing had  happened .

Jay entered  with grocery bags and put his shoes aside .

Jay turned and saw them ," why so stiff guys ?" He asked , before heading to the kitchen to put away the things he'd bought .

Niki causally ," nothing " .

As jay turned away , Heeseung quickly leaned down and pecked niki's lip , and went to freshen up .

When came heeseung came out of his room

The Boys were spreading out around in the living room , talking about some random shits and giggling in between .

Heeseung's eyes  wandering around , searching for  a particular blond head. When  he finally spotted him , his mood soured slightly  .

Niki was busy with sunno , who was showing him something on his phone . They were  both laughing at whatever they were watching  .

Heeseung wasn't the jealous type,  but the closeness between sunoo and niki's closeness always brought  out feelings  he didn't think he was capable of .

Heeseung had anything against sunoo but seeing them together made him insecure .

Sunoo was everything heeseung was not .

Sunoo was small and he was not

Sunoo was pretty and he was not,  (only he think that he was not pretty because of his skin complexion . But what he didn't know was  that niki love his colour to much to his own good like he want to nom nom  his love whole when ever he see him .)

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