Getting Used to Life Again

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Today was the day I'd be moving to Victors Village with my new family. Cordelia and I we're finishing packing up her room, and Jainie and Marcus we're hauling boxes out of the house. 

"Once we're moved in victor's village, you get to meet your boyfriends' parents." Cordelia laughed.

"Cordy, honey, we only started dating yesterday" I smiled.

"But we both know things have been going on much longer" She shoved a handful of shirts into a box.

We continue packing up her room, we eventually finished. Then we went through the rest of her house throwing any stragglers into boxes. In about an hour, we'd finished packing up her house to move. Then it was time to move. Cordelia and I rode our bikes to the new house whereas her parents drove the car with their things to the house. It was only a three-minute bike ride, but we knew her parents would get there before us. 

"I can't believe we're going to live in victor's village" Cordelia gushed. 

"Thats what happens when you win the games" I muttered. 

Cordelia saw how I'd reacted and went completely silent.

"But hey now we get to live in luxury" I smiled a little. 

"You can finally rest" She smiled. 

"Hey, is that-" I saw a guy who looked like Finnick riding his bike towards us. 

"Hey Charity!" Finnick yelled. 

"It is!" I yelled. 

I Increased my pace on my bike to get to Finnick quicker. Cordelia also did to keep up with me, it was really funny.

"Good morning, Di-di" Finnick said turning around to ride with us. 

"Morning Finn" I smiled. 

We all rode until we got to the house in Victor's village. 

"Woah" Cordelia and I said at the same time looking at the house.

"Pretty cool right, and I'm right next door" Finn pointed. 

Cordelia and I ran inside. The house was already furnished with the nicest furniture you could get in four. Jainie and Marcus had already unpacked almost everything, which was impressive because it took us an hour and a half to pack everything, and they we're almost done in five minutes. The only thing they didn't unpack we're mine and Cordelia's things. 

"You two don't have to share a room anymore!" Jainie exclaimed. "Go pick your new rooms!"

"Uh Okay" I said as Cordelia Finnick, and I went upstairs. 

Finnick and I walked into the second bedroom. It had a queen bed, a tv, tan walls that represented sand, seashells on the walls, its own bathroom, it was pretty nice. I set my only bag down on the bed. Then I started unpacking. Finnick just stood there watching. I finished unpacking pretty fast. 

After unpacking we all looked around the house. It was a big house. It had neat architecture and was neat looking. However, the best part about the whole house is that It had a pool, though I prefer the ocean. 

"Hey Finn? Want to go swimming?" I asked. 

"When do I not?" He smiled. 

"We're going to the ocean though, it's better than a pool" I smiled grabbing my swimsuit. 

"I'll be back" Finnick practically flew out of my room, down the stairs and out of the house. 

I changed into a beige, pink two-piece swimsuit and braided my hair so it wouldn't knot as bad. Then I went to see if Cordelia wanted to come, she was still unpacking so she couldn't. I went outside grabbed my bike and walked it to Finnick's which was next door. I knocked on the door. An older lady opened the door. 

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