chapter 1: stories

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A long time ago, there lived 4 brothers.
Sunris, Moondrop, Lunar,
And Eclipse.
all have harnessed their special element. While Sun and Eclipse held above the giant orb the Clotus (other Earth that Exploded-)
People called, The SUN. While Lunar and Moon were suspected to hold up their own orb/Planet, they had different ones. MoonDrop held up the Moon, while Lunar, Suprisibgly being the youngest, Held up earth. The newborn sibling. Soon, as time went by, Lunar wanted his own planet, but knew he had to look over Earth. Being the chaotic child she is. So he waited patiently. And as time went on, Eclipse became jealous over moon getting his own planet. Regardless of how big the sun was, he still wanted his own. Meanwhile, with Earth and Lunar, Earth made something she named after herself. But before she did, unfortunately the planet "Clotus" exploded into bit and pieces, causing everything to fall apart. Lunar, on the other hand, made something unnatural. Unknowing what happened to Clotus, he created, something with the stars of his home. "Astrols." He soon knew what happened to clotus, making everything the five worked up to, nothing. But he had hope. And led all of his power down to the new planet, "Earth."
He had no idea about it, but with the little energy left, with the others help, he caster the so called "Astrols" he made into little bodies just hovering in space. The one he focused on, was named "Gemini." Unknowingly giving all of their power to him, to help create 11 others while draining their powers. Soon enough, they all faded into star dust, all except one. Lunar. He was weak, due to all of the chaos happening in such little time. He soon enough faded into star dust, and then came the guardians of the galaxy, which he created. "The Astrol Bodies" Noone know what happened next, but some say the originals (Lunar, Eclispe, Ect, etc-) were lurking around this earth. TRAPPED in little bodies to restore their powers. In 2024, you'de think it would be all regenerate by now, but their power takes quite a long time to grow. So, without a doubt, the star dust they formed into, flooded the bodies of little "Earthlings" or so they say they are. To slowly come back to life and protect out universe once again. In time, if we still exist by then, people still say we may get to meet them. The end.



Earth : still reading that book?

Lunar : yeah.. I don't know, I just love this book so much...

Earth: well, Castor is here to train you, so you might want to get going.

Lunar : oh yeah! Uhm- just give me a second

They walked out of the room to be greeted by Pollux's Jumpscare. Lunar, being used to it, pulled her down from the place she was hanging by.

Pollux : HIIIII :D

Lunar : Hello, Pollux

Earth : well, why don't you two go train while me and Pollux go hang out with Nebula?

Lunar : Sure!

Castor : ok

LAES : 💖💫loving hearts💫💖 LunarxGeminiWhere stories live. Discover now