The Return

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It was almost midday, and Bonnie was outside looking through someone's bashed up car for information. She'd except literally anything as a sign by this point. She'd been gone for, what, four to five days? She didn't know, but it felt like a month at least. Bonnie was checking under one of the car seats when she suddenly heard a rippling noise behind her. She turned around to see a hole just... floating, kind of. Then she saw a girl with long socks, a jacket, and a black umbrella step through the hole. Bonnie couldn't believe it, it was her girlfriend!

Bonnie ran towards her when she fully stepped out. "Oh my glob, Marcy? Is that really you?!"

"Umm, duhh!"

They wrapped their arms around each other. Well, Marcy held the umbrella with one and hugged Bonnie with the other. "Uggh, I can't believe it's you! I was so worried about you!"

The portal vanished behind them. "Boo, I told you I'd be coming back!"

Bonnie welled with tears of joy. "I was so stupid, Marceline."

Marcy looked at her. "What do you mean?"

"Because I was trying to come get you even though you said to stay. And-and on your birthday when I tried to separate us- I was just being such a dumby! I just..." Bonnie was breaking down.

"Oh no, no Bonnie, it's okay!" She hugged Bonnie tightly. "It's okay, I'm here, I'm here. Everything is okay now."

"I know I just... when I tried to split us up, I just couldn't," her sobs interrupted her. "I just couldn't handle my-my..."

Marcy listened patiently and rubbed the back of Bonnie's head slowly.

"I just..." she couldn't speak through her sobs.

"Look, why don't we get you some water? Lets go inside. "

Bonnie nodded in agreement. They walked inside with their arms around each other.


Once Bonnie drank some fluids and eased her breaths, Marcy tried talking to her again. They went to the room they'd been staying in and Bonnie sat on their bed. Marcy still held her umbrella and sat next to her. "Are you better now?"

"Yeah, I think I'm better."

"Good. Can you tell me what you wanted to say now?"

"Oh yeah... on your birthday, I was trying to separate us because I just couldn't face my feelings for you..."


"Yeah, I had no idea what people did when they felt... when they felt like the way I do..." Bonnie blushed and looked down shyly, "for you..."

Marcy sat up in shock. "You... you like me that much...?"

"I guess? I dunno, feelings confuse the poop outta me."

Marcy's eyes widened. "I know, feelings are boo-boo-naners. We can kinda figure them out. Together. "

"Yeah, but wait, we figure them out, then what? Will something change?"


"If that's the case, I don't really wanna figure them out." Bonnie leaned her head against Marcy's shoulder.

"Okay," Marcy looked down at her. "What we do is..." their faces were inches apart as they looked into each others eyes, "...up to you."

Bonnie smiled. "That's why I like you so much..."

"Yeah... th-thanks," Marcy finished before leaning in. Bonnie pressed her lips gently into Marcy's, tasting her lukewarm lips. Marcy couldn't get over how much Bonnie's lips tasted like actual gum. Just as sweet as her personality, Marcy thought. Bonnie placed her hand in Marcy's hair/lower neck area as Marcy used her free hand to tenderly touch Bonnie's cheek.

Marcy's bat nose slowly showed and she smelled Bonnie's scent. She realized pink is just a lighter shade of red. "Mmmm... reeedddd..." Marcy moaned into Bonnie's mouth before biting her lip. She sucked a bit of pink from Bonnie before she gasped and pushed her face away. "What the heck was that?"

"Sorry, heh, long story..."

"What the heck did you do?" Bonnie held her lip out and tried to look at the part that partially stung.

"While I was in the Nightosphere, some dumb guy turned me into a vampire."

"Oh my glob, what?!"

Marcy chuckled. "That's why I have the umbrella. And these bite marks on my neck. I'm surprised you didn't ask, honestly. "

"I was going to after our little reunion was over ..."

"Yeah, can you close the curtain? The sun could like, murder me."

She sighed and separated herself from Bonnie to stand up. "Yeah. I got it." She closed them and turned to face Marcy again. "Now," she plopped down next to Marcy. "Tell me how much flippin' stuff has changed in that little bit of time!"


Marcy told her about her dad, Chad, and even Hazel. She told her the good and the bad that Chad had done, and Bonnie didn't know whether to be mad at him or thank him. She told her what Hunson said right before she left, and how glorious her response was.

"So Chad is the reason you tried to suck out my life juice?"

Marcy nodded, a tad embarrassed.

"We gotta get you some red then, hun."

Marcy blushed when she heard 'hun'. "Oh." She put the umbrella down and took off the jacket. It was too hot to keep it on. "Should I stay here while you look for some red stuff?"

"Sure. But you can still eat regular grub, right?"

"I could, but..." her bat nose and ears showed. "I neeeed me some red." She looked at Bonnie with vampire-red eyes.

Bonnie backed out of the room. "Okay, you find some in here, I'll be back."

Marcy turned into a giant walking bat as Bonnie walked down the hall. Marcy searched in the drawers and under the bed just for more ounces of red. Bonnie soon came back with a red cup, a red blanket, a small red toy car, and a few red pencils. By the time she did come back, Marcy had found some pink erasers. Bonnie also came back to see Marcy had flipped the bed on the side searching for her special color. Marcy's body went back down to normal and she sat criss-crossed on the floor, retrieving the color from the erasers.

"Marceline!" Bonnie yelled when she saw Marcy again in the doorway. "What the hay hay happened?" Bonnie set her items down on the floor in front of Marcy. "Why's the bed turned on its' side?"

Marcy looked at her innocently and gently placed her tooth on the edge of the cup. She shrugged at Bonnie.

"Uggh, I guess I'll fix it then." Bonnie walked over to the bed, seemingly angry. She tried to pull the side down, but struggled a bit. "Shoot, Marceline, help me with this damn thing."

"I'm a little busy."

"Well take a break, or just hurry, or whatever." She kept trying to pull the bed down.

Marcy watched Bonnie as she drank the red from the blanket. "Okay, okay Bonnie stop struggling, I'm coming." She drank from half the blanket and went over to push the opposite side of the bed as Bonnie pulled.


Welp, the girls decided to go with the idea that their sleep schedules would be weird, and that sleeping during the day was a better option for Marcy's health. They would do the usual with finding food, but now they'd have to find red to help satisfy Marceline's new desires. Oh glob, they sure had some things to deal with.

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