Chapter 15

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A few days after the dinner you were all packed up, heading towards Moulinsart. When no one else was looking, you and Tintin would secretly smile at each other.

The young red head was so calm, so comforting, so kind. You were so happy you had met him. The reporter did not want to limit you in anyway, he didn't want you to be or act like someone you weren't.

You arrived back at Moulinsart a week later. Captain Haddock offered to help planning the party -he wanted it to be grand! Your voices would echo of the library's walls when the two of you got excited.


You looked at the door where Tintin was standing.

You saw the worry in his eyes, "Yes?"

"Can I talk to you?"

"Of course." You stood up. "I'll be right back."

The Captain just smiled and continued looking at different kinds of foods in a magazine.

You left the books behind you and followed the journalist to a small study. He looked at you and sighed.

"I don't know how to tell you this, but- but-" He had to stop and take a deep breath before continuing. "Christopher is up to something."

"What do you mean?!"

"When the two of you were out, I- He had thrown out their letter. Monica and Elton's letter."

"No," you shook your head. Why would he say these things about Chris?

"I can't prove it, but somethings wrong. I just need a little more time to-"

You interrupted, "What are you saying? That you need a little more time to find something to accuse him of?"

"No, Y/n. I'm just saying that he is acting weird and- and- The way Monica and Elton just showed back up? That is weird!"

"Why can't you be happy for me? Chris asked me to marry him! Is it just because I have someone that loves me and you don't?!" you shouted at the reporter.

"I am happy for you I just-"

"No! You are not! The only thing you want is a new mystery to solve, that's why you liked me from the beginning. Because I was in distress. You don't want me now that everything is fine and you can't accept that fact! So now there has to be something wrong with Chris! You're sick!"

After that, you stormed out of the room. Leaving the heart broken Tintin behind you.


The silence was deadly. The only one talking was Christopher, who was telling you some uninspiring story that you nodded politely too. Tintin sighed as he looked at you, how would he fix this? Your argument was weighing you down, he could tell clearly by the way you shifted from looking down on to your plate, to your hands, to the window and lastly to the brown haired boy's face. Chris smiled at you. You softly smiled back at him and once again looked down on your hands.

Somtime later, lunch was over. You stayed behind, shoulders hanging low and a half eaten plate in front of you. Nestor quickly removed all of the plates and other dishes. You sighed quietly.

"What's up?" a familiar voice asked.

You tried to keep it together "I'm fine, Chris."

He sat back down next to you "Why are you upset."

"I'm not" you said as you burried your face in your hands to hide the tears.

Chris pulled you in to a hug and you embraced it. Embraced his arms. Embraced the familiarity and security that his arms offered.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 17 ⏰

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