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Christine's POV

Have you ever felt broken hearted? Living without the ones you love to death? That was my life for two years but that's just coming to an end.

"When I was heading home from work two years ago, my car broke down resulting in me walking home from thel; far distance." I started to explain.


"Bye Josh." I say to my co-worker, waving as I neared my truck in the parking lot.

"See you tomorrow, Christine." he said, disappearing into his car and driving off.

I work at a popular restaurant in Manhattan and I resides in the small town of New Jersey.

I live with my 16 year old daughter, Samantha and my husband Dimitri Foster.

After fidgeting with my car keys I finally got into my car and drove away. Today was a busy day for me, but I managed to get through it, handling Kendrick- who is her overbearing boss-as well as some smelly customers was definitely a full day. I proceeded my way home listening to the soft sound of music that played on the radio.

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