You're my muse <3

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Kaminaei, a very sleep deprived hero student, always ended up spending his nights in the quiet walls of the common room around the hours of 2-4. With the constant buzz of electricity coursing through his veins plus the addition of his ADHD, he was never able to stick to a good sleep schedule no matter how many times he tried (he's tried to change it about 10 times).

The common room was a quiet place once everyone went to sleep so he usually ended up down there during his more intense restless nights, playing soft music and drawing under the soft glow that came from the lamp next to the couch. Really he only ever drew at night or just when his brain wouldn't shut up but he was still pretty good at drawing when he was able to focus on it, which usually he was.

The soft glow of the lamp and the music playlist Jirou created for him made it pretty easy to fall into the rhythm of drawing whatever came to his mind. Mostly it was just small things he'd had an interest in like moths or some other type of animals he could think of at the time but sometimes when he really needed to relax he would draw bigger, more detailed things. Some drawings of hero's or his friends but at this current moment in time he was stuck on one person in particular. Hitoshi Shinsou.

The guy has always seemed to be in his head whether he was actively thinking about the surprisingly handsome boy or not.

Shinsou hadn't really made a big effort of being his friend in the beginning but once they hung out more and more they began growing closer, all the while his feelings for Shinsou had also grown,
though he assumed he would probably never admit that to the lavender-haired boy.

But here he found himself doing multiple portraits of the boy, the first few were small doodles but once he was focused he made bigger detailed drawings of him. Honestly the amount of drawings of Shinsou should be embarrassing at this point. He had pages full of Shinsou, some of just his back but others were full blown drawings. Full detail of his facial features in every single one that he drew.
Not even the drawings of his friends were this detailed and he drew them all pretty often.
Though now that he thinks of it, he definitely doesn't have as many drawings of them as he does Shinsou.

He sat for a few more hours drawing before he heard the light padding of foot steps make their way the kitchen. He didn't give the person much thought as he was to consumed in what he was doing.

That's why, when he heard a deep male voice come from practically right in front of him, he almost jumped out of his skin.

"Denki? What're you doing up this late?"

Alright he'll admit that while hearing Shinsous deep, tired voice was insanely hot, he was 100% scared shitless at the unexpected boy who was bent infront of him.

"O-oh! Hey Shinsou, didn't expect to see you down here at this hour! I couldn't sleep so I decided to make my way down here instead of being bored in my room all night"

He stutters over his words a bit, nervous with how close Shinsous face is now sitting next to his. Though he even if he wanted to (which he doesn't) he couldn't bring  himself to move even an inch as they spoke.

"Well I was just coming down here to get some water but then I heard your music playing so figured I'd say hi instead of just ignoring you. So what're you up to?"

Shinsou finally straightens himself back up and away from Denki before making his way to sit on the couch next to him.

Yea this could definitely be an awkward conversation seeing as denkis sketchbook is wide open, displaying a very well drawn Shinsou who may or may not be shirtless.
Maybe if he just slowly closes his book then-

"What're you drawing in that book of yours this time?"

Well shit. Plan failed, Denki is now very much screwed.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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