alot of curses in my brain

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The first week there was amazing me and Tessa would get up go for a run have pancakes for breakfast then go shopping or to a bakery or coffee shop then return home to watch a movie before bed i didn't want to leave now even though i had one week left I had 4 days left before leaving that was the worst horrible day of my life it was thursday afternoon and i had spent all morning doing my hair and choosing the best outfit to wear as Aunt tessa said she had a surprise and didn't know if i'd love it or loathe it but i tried to look my best anyway. It was 4pm when I came downstairs, my cream fancy dress shimmering in the sun that was bright through the large windows "you look nice where are you of to?" she asked me i shrugged my shoulders "nowhere i just wanted to dress up a little" i twirled around happily letting dress flow and when i turned around i wished i hadn't.

She said i'd either love it or loathe it i think the second one was most accurate "dad" i exclaimed my sadness became anger "now please don't get mad Val he knew you were in the area and he wanted to say hello" she put her hands on my shoulders i was angry but not at her at him the dad who did nothing but drink alcohol rather than look after his kid after its mother died he came over to hug me and i dodged and started walking into the kitchen he followed me like a dog who hadn't gone on a walk for weeks "aren't you happy to see me" he asked looking as if he was the best father in the world and hadn't done anything wrong "you have to be dumb in the head to think i was going to be happy seeing you" i got a cup out of the cupboard if this got heated it would be thrown at his guilty looking face but for now it was for coffee "look i don't get why you're unhappy" he said coming closer to me but taking a few steps back when i stared at him in disgust "but im here to see my daughter because she never talks to me or wants to see me" i rolled my eyes how could a alcoholic dad who ignored his daughter after her mum died and left her sitting there crying all on her own "yeah well your here now youve seen me i think thats all for today" i sipped my drink Tessa was stood out of the way incase this got ugly "youve got an attitude now" he spoke "i dont like it" my jaw dropped "i wonder why i have attitude Luke" i shouted "i really wonder why i mean it cant be because of you can it i mean you were a great dad maybe the best in the  world" i sat down on a chair in the kitchen tapping my fingers on my cup "i lost my wife" he shouted "well i lost my mother" i cried "im taking you out of college and your coming to live with me" he said i could practically hear the steam coming ready to blow from my ears "you need to learn discipline" i gritted my teeth "im not going anywhere with you" my voice shrill "your 16 young lady" he argued "oh so you do know how old i am and i didnt get one birthday card on any of my birthdays since i moved in here when i was 10?" i asked him it wasn't important but what dad doesnt at least try with his daughter "Luke" Tessa spoke but he waved his hand for her to stop talking "i don't want to hear any of that i'm here now thats what matters" he yelled i hesitated but stood up from my chair and looked him in the eyes "you don't matter to me anymore" i said through gritted teeth i started walking away but he grabbed my hand i tried my hardest to get him of me but he was too strong "dont you ever talk abut me like that again your just like your mother stubborn and selfish" his eyes had evil in them almost like what you'd imagine a murdered looked before stabbing a knife in someones chest "mum wast stubborn she was kind sweet and looked after me unlike you" i could feel a lump form in my throat i was about to cry "i dont care your coming back to america with me and i dont care what you say you will go to boarding school to get your manners back and you will work day and night to get money and that stupid good for nothing friend of yours Mia will be banned from talking to you" where on earth did he get all these rules from i looked around for Tessa but she had rushed over to the supermarket to get ingredients for dinner i told her it was fine if she left but i was having second thoughts now "im not going" i said sternly and that was when he punched me making me collapse to the floor i kept my tears inside my broken body that was shattering again now that he was in my eye sight "your worthless" he shook his head and stormed out of the house i was happy he left but my face was going to be bruised for a few days

Tessa apologised and said she was going to call the police but i told her not to as nothing was going to happen now even though it might i sat on my windowsill covered in blankets wearing Aidans leather jacket wishing he was here i burst out into tears sobbing harder than i had ever sobbed Aunt tessa was cleaning listening to her loud classical music so she hopefully couldn't hear me why was my dad the way he was and why did alcohol take over everyone's bodies changing their personality rapidly i took out my sketch book and looked at the drawing of Aidan i drew weeks ago he didn't know i drew him that would have been creepy i had captured his sweet reassuring smile perfectly his side profile was beautiful. At about 3 in the morning i heard something tapping on the window perhaps it was the tree but i realised that it was calm and motionless i got out of my warm bed and walked over to the window if it was dad i would scream but it wasn't it was him the boy i needed more than anything after today Aidan "some rapunzel you are" he chuckled "your hair isn't long enough" i smirked a little but found myself being in the same situation as Tessa my muscles in my face didn't seem to be working "don't just stand there come up here" i told him he climbed on the tree beside my window it didn't take him long as i suspected "how did you know where my Aunt lived"? I said helping him through the big window i thought i would ask the obvious question "Mia told me" he looked guilty but had his big usual smirk on his face i just hugged him happily although i could have burst into tears again from what happened earlier i was so happy to see Aidan "wait" he pulled away from the hug and put his hands on my shoulders looking into my eyes "your not okay who did that" he traced his index finger across my cheek where i had a bruise from the punch "i'm fine" i told him trying my best to flash him a convincing smile "tell me what happened" he said sitting me on the bed ignoring my childlike bedroom "your dad came back" he asked concerned after i told him everything "he's an idiot" he sounded angry but tried his hardest to keep calm "can you just stay with me"? i asked him he gave me a soft smile "i'm not going anywhere" he pulled me closer to him and i rested my head on his chest i was tired but the thought of him being here with me made my heart buzz almost flying out of my chest this boy was special and i knew it

"Im loving this theme" he was playing with my soft brown hair and was wearing a blue top and black jeans i rolled my eyes to myself "oh shut up" i whispered closing my eyes ready to fall back asleep "speak no words and i'll still hear you" he whispered if it was me before my mother died i would have been confused by his words but not now i understood what the meaning was behind the mismatched letters that made the words "is that a line from your book?" i asked him he was silent for what seemed to be forever perhaps he had fallen asleep "maybe" i felt him grin "you'll have to see" i always hated being teased but with him it was a game worth playing almost as if i didn't know he was playing a type of game where teasing is a bonus point. His warm body next to mine was comforting. I could have stayed in his arms forever.

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