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(Here they're only speaking Korean c:)

??? POV:

"Alright, that's it for today, good job"
Minho hyung said, making all of us sigh in relief. Although, it was a bit weird since he ended two hours earlier than he's usually does.

Minho hyung turned to stare at channie hyung, who sighed before saying,

"Boys, we need to talk"

Exchanging confused looks, we all gathered and sat in a pile to hear what hyung will be saying.

"Okay, so as you know, we've all been working really hard without any break for quite a while, so, after talking with JYP, he's agreed that we'll have a three month break."

There was a painful silence.

"But hyung, won't something happen to our group if we take break for that long? And won't STAYs be upset?"
Said Hyunjin hyung, rightfully upset.

"It'll be okay guys, 3racha has a few songs we meant to upload a long time ago, but now that we're on break, we can release these songs."
Chan hyung said.

Me and Changbin hyung looked at each other excitedly, we had a few songs in mind that we really wanted to release.

(Henjin: hMm I wOnDer wHo DiS iS?)

"But, there's a catch"

Everyone stared at Chan hyung.

"JYP doesn't want to know where we're going for the hiatus."

"Wait, we're going somewhere?" Asked Jeongin.

"That's what he thinks" Replied channie hyung.

Seeing our confused faces, he chuckled a bit and continued,

"Okay, look, JYP really wants to give us the freedom we've been wanting for the next three months. So, unlike we usually do, we're not going to tell him our whereabouts. We can be here if you want, or we can go to another country, choice is yours. The only rule is that, we must spend the vacation together."

We all nodded understandingly.

"Great now, more discussion at the dorms"


Han Juyeon POV:
The house is cute, it took a while for me to make it cozy enough for me to relax but it was all worth it.

(Henjin: this is the same day of skz's conversation, yes she's having practice but what I meant was that she spent most of her free time decorating. Understand?)

A ping from my phone interrupted my thoughts, I pulled out my phone.

It was an article of skz.


Finally, took them long enough, don't get me wrong. I love them but they needed rest, they're humans after all.

I clicked on the articles and quickly scrolled to the comment section.

Felixmcnugget: ducking finally

Changbinshoe: I'm glad they're getting the rest they deserve.

linotastic: ow :( I'm going to miss them, but I hope they'll get the rest they've wanted for so long.

Minhoehoehoe: we should have soongie doongie dori drop an album instead of SKZ.

That last comment made me giggle, which didn't last long before I got another ping from my phone.

NOTIFICATION FROM 'dance teacher'

Dance teacher: Juyeon-ah, we have practice a bit earlier tomorrow morning at 4am. Don't be late.

Jeez, I wasn't looking forward to waking up a five am in the first place and now I have to wake up at four?!

How disappointing.


Like the new design?

A new friend of mine keeps flirting with me, I swear I never knew I liked being flirted with. No one flirted with me before so it caught me off guard when she started playfully flirting.

And she keeps annoying me like "omg look at you you're so flustered uwu how cute" LIKE NAH


Don't forget to eat well!


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