Back to strangers.

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People enter your life,
just for the pleasure of leaving again.
Faces you once painted smiles across,
bodies you held,
lips you kissed,
and stories you've written.
From friends and lovers,
to complete strangers.
Not the strangers you walk past,
stranger you know too well.
Someone you've shown your worst and best to,
they saw the things very few people have seen.
You opened your heart and mind to them,
never knowing their true intentions.
Pathetic little you,
grew too attached to them.
Breaking your heart when you realized the truth.
They never loved you,
or cared.
They only wanted to take from someone they knew,
would give them the world.
She was never your friend,
neither was he.
He was never your lover,
and neither was she,
I never knew either,
for it was all pretend.
A fixed show to take advantage of those with soft hearts,
and pure souls.
You had given them what they came for,
and with full stomachs and pleased souls,
they went back to being strangers again.
Leaving you wondering,
if you meant something.

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