chapter 9

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Team Ro were now kneeling infront of Hiruzen who was reading the documents that wolf and cat gathered in the base. " I see this is most concerning they know a lot about our own jinchuriki it seems we have a leak in the village." Hiruzen said aimlessly but everyone heard a low snarl coming from wolf as he lowered his head before it snapped up and inclined upwards in a sniffing gesture as everyone looked confused before wolf quickly drew his wakizashi and dashed towards the wall the second the blade connects to the wall blood came out like a fountain as the rest of team ro moved in pursuit at the same time a puff of smoke revealed a man wearing an u gear but he had a blank mask with the symbol for root. Team Ro quickly subdued the spy. " Damn that danzo." Hiruzen said as wolf snarled as he buried his wakizashi deeper in the root operatives shoulder. " Escort him to Ibiki tell him to have fun." Hiruzen said as team ro flickered away with the root member.

Hiruzen sighed and start to pack his pipe when the door opened reaveling team 7 leading the way was naruko who had her mother's sword strapped on her waist with cujo trotting happily at her feet not that far behind was the village's last Uchiha who was brooding like normal then right behind him was the pink banshee fawning over the Uchiha like normal then taking up the rear was kakashi how looked like he would rather be anywhere else. "Hokage- jiji! Team 7 reporting a mission accomplished!" Naruko said happily as Hiruzen smiled softly. " Don't be so informal you blond bimbo!" Sakura screeched as cujo whined while the adults rolled their eyes. "Good work team 7 I'll read your report later so for today you are dismissed but kakashi and Naruko I would like a word." Hiruzen said sternly as the Uchiha and Haruno left the office to collect their pay for the day.

Hiruzen sighed as he activated the privacy seals in the office setting kakashi on alert as he quickly put away his book of smut. "Kakashi, naruko what I'm about to disclose to you both is a s rank secret as it pertains to you naruko as the jinchuriki of the kyubi." Hiruzen said seriously as Naruko nodded as Hiruzen folded his hands on the desk. "Recently some Intel has just been confirmed. There is a group called the akitsuki and apparently they are hunting the tailed beasts for something, what we are unsure of." Hiruzen said as naruko frown and folded her arms under her bust. "So in a sense I have a target on my back?" Naruko asks in confirmation as Hiruzen nods. "That being said naruko try to stay near your team and kakashi of that isn't possible stay near y/n. I'm about to assign him to watch over you when you are not with your teammates." Hiruzen said as naruko nodded. "Hokage-sama has the strength of the group been discovered?" Kakashi asks as Hiruzen shook his head. "No kakashi they haven't but jiraya believes them to have some S rank missing ninja, although team Ro has successfully killed two A rank members." Hiruzen said as kakashi's visible eye narrowed.

"Hokage-sama i don't think my team is ready quite ready for opponents of that caliber, the strongest on team 7 is easily naruko because she has put the most effort in her training." Kakashi said as naruko grinned smuggly. "Even then she is only able to manage b rank." Kakashi said as naruko deflate while Hiruzen nodded. "I see then if these rumors are true then I have no choice..." Hiruzen said as he looked at naruko before getting up from his desk and walked over to a picture of Minato namikaze and Hiruzen made a seal as the picture swung open wide enough for Hiruzen to retrieve a decent size box.  Hiruzen sighed and walked over to naruko. "In this box is all your father's notes on the harshin no jutsu, seals, jutsus and his taijutsu style. I'm aware I said you had to be 16 or a chunin but with this you will be safer." Hiruzen said as he handed the box to naruko who opened the box. "Jiji there is a key in here to." Naruko said as Hiruzen sighed as he eased himself into a chair. "That is the key to your parents estate since I have turned over all of your inheritance you can legally move into your parents house." Hiruzen said as naruko smiled and closed the box and placed it under her arm. "I'll stay in the apartment for now until after the chunin exams that is when I'll make my lineage known." Naruko said as Hiruzen nodded before he lowered the seal and after a second wolf reappeared in the office kneeling infront of Hiruzen.

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