Don't you just love unnecessary fights

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AN: I made the chapter longer today because I haven't updated in so long. Hope you enjoy :)


Peter's pov.

I had the worst day ever.

First I was late to first period and got a detention because I was late, then Flash stopped me in the hallways to beat me up, and lastly I failed my history test because I was up to late being Spider-Man and didn't have time to study. Needless to say, I was ready to just chill at home with the rest of my family.

I slid into the car that Happy drove to pick me up today.

"How was school today, kid?"

"Much better now that I'm going home." I said with a huge smile.

Happy gave me a questioning look in the mirror, which I just shrugged off.

"School's just boring." I said and Happy nodded at my answer.

The rest of the car ride was filled with a comfortable silence.

"Oh by the way, your dad said he had some people for you to meet at the tower."

Great. Probably just some boring business people. I always hate meeting the 'business associates' they're only in it for the money and couldn't care less about me or my dad.

We pulled up to the tower and I walked into the lobby.

I waved to the receptionist, "Hey Leisel"

She smiled and waved back, "Hi Pete"

I walked to the elevator and waited for it to arrive.

When I stepped in, I was greeted by Friday

"Welcome back baby spider! Your Father is currently in the Avenger's living room. Would you like for me to take you there?"

"Sure! Thanks Fri."

If my dad was in the living room they were all probably watching a movie. That's perfect because the only thing I really want to do right now is watch a movie and eat popcorn.

I should have known that nothing would be that simple with my family. When the elevator doors opened, there was complete and utter chaos.


Tony's pov.

Nico kissed Will. Are they dating????

Clint and I seemed to be thinking something along the same lines because he spoke up.

"Are you two dating?"

Nico chuckled before saying "Yep. Rapunzel over here is my boyfriend."

Wow. Today has been a lot. First Capsicle and Sargent no arm get together and then we find out that kid weird and weirder are dating.

"Pft! Sargent no arm?!" Sam laughed

I'm pretty sure my face was as red as a tomato "Did I say that out loud?"

Nat hit me on the back, "Yep, you totally did."

"Just so you know, Tony, you are never calling me that again." Bucket spoke up.

"Oh yeah well who's going to make me?"

And that was the moment that everything went to hell. Bucky lunged at me and started to try and punch me, Cap was trying to hold Bucky back. Nat was cheering Bucky on all while Clint was telling her to stay out of it. Nat got mad at Clint and started fighting him. Well, needless to say, we all ended up in a huge fight against each other.

I was so distracted that I didn't even hear the elevator doors open or notice my son step out of it. I only noticed he was there when he yelled at all of us.

"What is going on here!?!"

We all froze where we were. Which was kind of funny because Clint was right in the middle of punching Cap's face, Nat was pushing Cap away from her while biting Clint's arm at the same time, and Bucky was laying on the floor clinging to Nat's leg.

Peter sighed "I swear you guys are less mature than DP."

Nico snorted "Couldn't have said it batter myself"

"Will? Nico? What are you doing away from camp?"


AN: Sorry about the long wait, life has been crazy lately.

It also didn't help that he dyslexia was dyslexing so hard and it took me forever to right this chapter T-T

Anywho, let me know what you think is going to happen next :D (I already know but I want to see what yall think)

love yall <3


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