// CHAPTER 3 //

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Ohhh man. Did he get enough sleep? Oh well. He's warm. So soft. Guess I can't complain. I thought he didn't like people! Oh wait nevermind I pushed him on my shoulder.

I checked my "IFONE" and took a picture of us. Ding! The elevator doors opened. After 7 hours, they've finally come. "I can't believe I spent 400 of my coins just to go on this floor!" cried one of the players.

"Oh there's Poob." said someone. "And...Pest?"

"They look so cute together!" said another player.

I felt my face turn red as a tomato. "PEST, WAKE UP! THE PLAYERS ARE HERE!" I whisper-shouted, shaking him violently. "H-hngh..?" Pest opened his eyes. He looked up at me then suddenly fell off the bench.

"ARE YOU OKAY, PEZT?!" I cried. "...私を放っておいて!" he shouted. I couldn't understand what he was saying, but I think it means, "Let's go into the elevator!"

We both walked in the elevator. Inside were Infected and Walter. "H1, P00b! H1, P3st!" Infected greeted us. "Hai, Infected! How'z it going?" I asked. I blew my party horn.

"1t's g00d s0 f4r. 1 41s0 w4nt t0 t311 y0u th4t 1 4m d4t1ng L4mp3rt! H0w's y0ur d4y? 1 h34rd th4t y0u 4nd P3st 4r3 d4t1ng. 1s th4t tru3? P14y3rs g0ss1p ab0ut y0u guys d4t1ng!" Infected said.

"Okay, so firstz, I am doing very well. Second, I AM NOT DATING PEZT!! WE DON'T EVEN LIKEZ EACH OTHER!" I cried. "Iz that true, Pezt?" I turned and faced him. He just looked at the corner, blushing like crazy.

"Nah, that's crazy!" Walter said.


"Nobody asked you." I grumbled.

Ding. "Alright this is my stop." Walter said. "Later!"

"Bye, Walzter!" Poob waved.

Poob and I watched Walter go into the wall, and watch him disappear, covering the huge human-shaped hole. Just the two of us left.

"Pezt! I have a prezent for youz!" Poob dug into his pockets.

"Seriously, Poob?" I said harshly.

"It'z cauze you're one of me friedz!"

"I'm never your friend."

"But you are me friendz!"

"Poob, shut up right now. I am never going to be your friend! You're so annoying! Too loud! So pathetic! I don't even know what I'm talking about!! Go home, and hate yourself!! I am so sick of you!"



🎉PARTYBEETLE - [Pest x Poob story]🐞 [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now