40. little star

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Ruhani's pov

No this can't be true.


I need to talk to him.

But what if it's edited.

But who will do this.

A voice message popped up on my screen causing me to hear it.

I quickly tapped on it.

The voice message

"Hello mr rathore is the money ready ?"

"Yes, I'll be coming tomorrow at eleven"

"I am sure you'll like her, You can use her however you want"


I feel as if someone has stabbed me a thousand times

He bought me with money?

He killed my mother?

Why ?

My feelings were taken advantage of by someone I had no expectations from and he also just used me.

Is all this true?

Tears are coming out of my eyes, I don't understand what to do, my mind is not working, my heart is aching, the person whom I loved unconditionally, did this to me.

Why the hell this all always happens with me ?

He took three lives ?

Is he really my Amal ?

Please please.

Don't god.

I wiped my tears before getting up from the sofa and walking outside.

"Mam where are you going ?"

"Take me to Amal"

"Mam sir will come, please rest"

"Take me to him, I won't repeat myself again"

"Mam please calm down"

Author's pov

She quickly went in the kitchen and Max went after her.

She took a knife from the cabinet before placing it on her neck.


"Take me to him or you will see my dead body"

"P-please put that down"


"I-I am"


"Please give me the knife, you'll hurt yourself"

"Your sir already did enough,this won't hurt much"

𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬Where stories live. Discover now