1st Meeting

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A mixture of long and short ones here! Happy reading!👋☺️


His goal was to get into that vault. Absorb every ounce of knowledge the humans hide away from his kind for so long. To create a kingdom under his protection and rule. To be king of all apes.

To reach his goal, however, he needs to get help by a human themselves; You.

"You remain calm. Quite as an echo." He claims, smiling with teeth for show, the human nods once (E/C) dulled eyes look to the opposite way of his throne.

This, by what the others proclaimed, to be a sign of weakness. A disability of one's sight. His henchmen were guiding this one into his thrown room with no sign of roughness. Just careful guidance to the seat next to Proximous. Not once take a bite of food but rather, with skeptical hands, sip water slowly from a cup. That was all this human did..

Proximous smile fades "Your facing the wrong way."

Immediately, your head turns around to 'face' him. He had a male human here who would rather communicate and reply. He even laughs at his jokes. Not a word leaves this humans mouth. Just occasional sips of their water cup.

Patience lowers to an unlikely safe level. He was expecting a conversation! Not correct, and enjoy each other's silence. Much more needs to be done today-!

"May I see your hand?"

The king blinks, more three times in fact, just to lean further back in his chair with a laugh "My hand? You humans are odd."

"It helps me identify you, my king. My sight may be gone, but my other senses are heightened in replace of my eyes." A signal guazed hand, fingers exposed, reach out blindly for this apes hand, waiting for it to come in contact "It will be easier for both of us if we do it now than later. Less confusion is needed."

A long felt waite till Proximous begrudgingly set his hand in your fragile weaker hands. He sat there as your fingers took every detail and traced it. Memorying it. From open palms, back of the hand, the fingers, and the nails. Everything was traced. Nothing of his hand was untouched..

"I would like my hand back now."

Nodding, you let him go. Hands back on your lap. Starring soulessly into the void.

"What is the purpose of me being here today, my king?"

Manners. Matured and used the correct title. Quite impressive.

"To get into that vault. Months spent on hard labor, yet no dent, was inflicted nor made." He rants, so many failed attempts, just to sit up from his thrown, observing the petite form that sits clueless in their seat, a slim frown plastered on his face "In your state, how will your help be contributed to our caus? A tool that isn't high in value."

"Do as you wish with me. My home is far from here, and I barely know my way back.." That was true. Taken and sent miles away, all you had was yourself and what you knew. That's it.

The hands of Proximous were set on your shoulders, grip tight but not bone shattering, and forcibly pick the smaller blind human back onto their feet. Not long laughter escapes his chest. Deep and grovy.

"Your home is here now."

New hands take yours. Little time did you realize who it was.Sylva. It was Sylva hands. Encasing yours to guide you away from here.

"Get enough rest. I have big plans to be answered tomorrow. Farwell, (Y/N)."

You're taken away by Sylva as he spoke your name last. Proximous indeed had ideas to be organized tomorrow, many to be solved, so with this, he grabs an apple. Munching on it till he figures out what to do with you.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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