Chapter: 6 {Shawn}

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My mom wouldn't understand, my dad wouldn't understand. Was what I was doing right? My parents left after 10 minutes. I grabbed Auggie and Angela and I walked to Topanga's. (My moms shop)

"Shawn should be in there." I said as I sat outside.

"Okay." Said Angela. She took a long look in the shop and then continued to talk to me. "Thanks for doing this Riley. Look Shawn and I had something special! I messed it up, I've thought of him everyday!"

"Just glad I could help." I Smiled.

Angela went in.

"Riley what are you doing?" Asked Auggie. (Her younger brother)

"Just helping make two love birds fly." I Smiled again.

"Riley!" Smiled Maya as she walked down the steps.

"Oh. Hi, Maya." I Said shockingly.

"I was just going to ask Shawn how the big date with my mom went." Said Maya as she turned around.

"No Maya don't go in there." I said jumping out of my chair.

"Why?" Asked Maya.

"Because Riley invited Angela over." Said Auggie.

"Auggie!" I said.

"You what?" Asked Maya.

"Maya I just wanted to meet her everyone talk about her especially Shawn! And Shawn can't be your father he's my uncle." I said.

"Not by blood!" Maya shot back.

(A/N: Short Chapter! I know, I have been writing these chapters very short today. The next chapter will be longer promise! It will be more then 300 words at least! Also side note this book won't be very long maybe 20 chapters, just a short story for entertainment and enjoyment. Thanks for 200+ reads! I'm glad you guys are enjoying the book!!!!)

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