16. New Journey

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"Run! Run!" Earth grabs Mix's hand, running as fast as he can

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"Run! Run!" Earth grabs Mix's hand, running as fast as he can. The bridge keeps shaking under their feet as they are trying to outrun the incoming doom. But they have no other choice—they have to outrun it. If they don't, they will most likely die on the impact. If they fall and the bridge collapses on top of them, Earth is sure that there's no other outcome.

But even more, he is sure that he can't allow that to happen to any of them. A sense of dread creeps under his skin at the idea of Mix dying... of Mix dying when Earth is supposed to take care of him... when Earth cares about him the way he doesn't care about anyone else.

"I... I can't anymore," Mix cries out, trying to catch his breath as they are still running. It feels like it's never-ending. It feels like the bridge is much longer now than it was when they first stepped on it.

Earth tightens his grip on Mix's hand, "you can! Just a little bit longer. We are not dying on this damn bridge!" With that, Earth quickly glanced behind himself. The cloud of dust that has formed behind them seems to be too close, ready to open its mouth and swallow them whole. But Earth feels at least a tiny bit of relief, seeing that Pond and Phuwin are still right behind them. Still alive.

Looking in front of himself again, he starts scanning the area. They can't be too far away from the end of the bridge and the beginning of the normal part of the highway. They have to push just a little bit more. And then, finally, he sees the end of the bridge. Just a little bit more, and they will be safe. "In front of us!" He yells out so all of them will hear it. "We are almost there."

But just then, Phuwin's blood-freezing scream fills up the air around them. Earth's blood runs cold. What if he turns around and won't see Phuwin anymore? They can't stop no matter what. They have to keep running. But if Phuwin has fallen or if he is hurt...

"Stop!" Pond's voice crawls under Earth's skin. It sounds scared and desperate. Earth and Mix finally stop, and when they turn around with their hearts violently beating on their ribcages, Phuwin is down on the crumbling bridge holding his ankle while his face is painted with painful grimace.

"My ankle... I think it's broken," Phuwin says with a dread in his voice.

Earth is watching as the dark dusty cloud is approaching them with a deadly speed. They have mere seconds before they have to move away.

"You have to carry him, now!" Earth says to Pond, firmly. "You can, and you will get him out of here! Won't you?"

"I will! I will! I will..." Pond starts mumbling to himself and wraps his arms around Phuwin's body, lifting him up. "I'm sorry if it hurts. I love you," he says and starts running again. With Phuwin in his arms, he is way slower, but at least they are moving again.

Earth lets out a deep breath and looks at Mix when Pond with Phuwin in his arms takes the place in front of them, "are you okay?"

"No," Mix replies and starts running again, pulling Earth with him. He can almost feel the bridge crumbling down right under his feet. Here and there he even thinks that he is already falling, but then he takes a quick glance under his feet and he is assured even maybe just for a moment, that he is still alive and still running at his two feet—maybe a little bit unstable, but he is still running. Running for his life. Who would have thought that the fastest he would ever run wouldn't be to run away from zombies but to save himself from a crumbling highway?

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