The Avengers: Episode 7

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(Steve has just arrived at the damaged engine)

Steve: Stark! Stark, I'm here.

(Tony, in full Iron Man armor flies close to the engine)

Tony: Good. Let's see what we got.

(He begins to examine the engine, his suit scanning through the different levels of machinery)

Tony: I gotta get this super conducting cooling system back online before I can access the rotors, work on dislodging the debris. I need you to get to that engine control panel and tell me which relays are in overload position.

(Rogers jumps and swings himself over to the control panel and opens it up while Iron Man works on the engine)

Tony: "What's it look like in there?"

Steve: It seems to run on some form of electricity.

Tony: "Well, you're not wrong."


(The place is dark. Natasha sneaks under an engine. She is hiding from the Hulk. She hears the footsteps. She pulls her gun, holding it ready and she moves out from the pips and walks. Suddenly, the Hulk jumps at her, roaring. Romanoff fires her gun at a pipe over his head and gas shoots out.

She runs along a narrow passage, the Hulk crashing through behind her. He comes up on her fast. In slo-mo he catches up to her as she is about to run off the passage, he back hands her against a wall. He steps towards her. Natasha is groaning, unable to move, scared. He raises a fist, about to strike, when he is tackled through a wall by Y/n)


(The two roll into a docking area with planes and personnel run from the room. The two circle one another, as Natasha takes the attack in, then the Hulk strikes, throwing wild punches as Y/n ducks and weaves. Hulk brings down a fist and Y/n holds it above him)

Y/n: Come on Bruce! Try to think!

(Hulk punches Y/n across the room and through a container)


(Iron Man blasts away debris from the engine with his unibeam)

Steve: "'Kay, the relays are intact."

(Cap pushes the engine control panel back in)

Steve: What's our next move?

Tony: Even if I clear the rotors, this thing won't re-engage without a jump... I'm gonna have to get in the reand push.

Steve: Well, if that thing gets up to speed, you'll get shredded!

Tony: Then stay in the control unit and reverse polarity long enough to disengage maglev and that should

Steve: Speak English!

Tony: See that red lever?

(Cap looks to his side)

Tony: It'll slow the rotors down long enough for me to get out. Stand by it, wait for my word.

(Rogers makes his way over to the lever)


(Y/n flies in some stacked containers. He stands up and cracks his neck, he chuckles. The Hulk roars and Y/n looks up, grinning, his eyes glowing red. Y/n balls his hand into a fist and waits, just then Hulk comes crashing through and Y/n hits him on the jaw, sending him into a plane.

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