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For the next couple of days the newlyweds barely made it out of the bedroom...let alone the house. They were so wrapped up with each other that they couldn't bear to get dressed. When they got hungry they'd throw on some over sized shirts and shorts and go make something quick and return to bed...or the sofa...or the table...or the counter... "I think...I need a long nap after that." Lena whispered as she tucked her head under Kara's chin. "Me too. Come on darling let's go lay on the sofa." Kara replied as she picked up Lena in her arms and walked over to the sofa where they both lay down on it stretching out their limbs. Lena lay on top of Kara who was drawing circles on her pale skin. Soon sleep over took them.

Meanwhile back in the small village the older woman from the grocery shop was seated on a sofa inside her little cottage. A laptop was open in front of her as she scrolled through the news articles trying to see if the woman she saw the other day was indeed her long lost daughter. She scrolled through the Cat Co website looking for articles about the women. Finally she found it. "CEO's Married! L Corp CEO Lena Luthor and Cat Co. CEO Kara Danvers married today in a small ceremony in Danvers hometown. Story on page 13." The woman continued scrolling till she found the story.

She read the story over and over again, looking at the photos in the article. They were colored photos and both woman were incredibly beautiful. "Little Lena....i'm so proud of you. You found your one true love." The woman whispered softly as her hand ran over the computer screen. "Maybe one day I'll be brave enough to meet you and your wife....but for now...I must stay in the shadows." The woman whispered to the wind.

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