Ch. 25: Party at your Sister's Place

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Later on at night, you and William are back at home at your apartment. You're both sitting on your bed and kissing each other. You've decided to put on a new outfit. Mostly for him. It's a black spaghetti strap shirt and a dark greenish black and white plaid skirt.

 It's a black spaghetti strap shirt and a dark greenish black and white plaid skirt

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(Btw, your room looks something like this.)

William has his hand on your leg and he slowly moves it up and into your skirt. You sigh into the kiss. He deepens the kiss and you moan a little bit. He pulls away a bit and you look at him. You smirk and you say, "Reaching that hand up my skirt, I see. I feel like you've picked up on your 'young man' habits since you've met me.~" 

He says, "Yeah? So what if I have, huh?~" You say, "Fine by me.~" He says, "Do you blame me, though? Because of you... I've gotten into younger women. Just you, though. A young, beautiful woman with a dark side... Helped me with a kill. What more can I ask for, huh? You're the perfect woman. You and I were meant to be." 

You blush and you smile saying, "Feels good hearing that from you, William baby." You both lean back in to kiss. He kind of digs his nails into your skin as he touches your leg and you hiss a bit. But you moan a little into the kiss because you love his rough side.

You suddenly get a message on your phone and you pull away saying, "Hold up, baby. I gotta see who that is." He says, "Go on." You pick your phone up and you see that you got a message from Fantasia. William asks, "Who is it?" You say, "Fanty." 

The message reads, "Hey, little sis. I'm throwin' a party tomorrow night. I want y'all asses to come. Have your man with ya." You message back and you type, "Okay. I'll inform him." You send it. You get this, "Aight. Cool. See ya'll tomorrow night. We gonna get crunk up in this motherfucker. Weed, booze. You name it, baby girl."

William says, "What did she say?" You look at him and you say, "She's throwing a party at her place, tomorrow night. Wants us to be there. Booze and weed are included." He says, "Damn. It's been a while since I've smoked pot." You smile and you say, "Experience it once more, sweetie." He says, "Yeah. Why not?" You grin and you message Fantasia typing, "We're in." You send it.

You look at William and you say, "How long has it been for you since you've smoked pot, counting the days where you weren't Springtrap?" He says, "Oh shit... From the time I was alive, probably since the early 80s." 

You say, "Wow. Well... You're up for it baby, we'll definitely whip some up and light that shit up. I'd like to see you getting high." He says, "Join me and we're even." You say, "That's what parties are for, aren't they? Drinking it up. Smoking some of that dank kush. Have the tip of that joint to my lips." You hear him whispering, "Oh, babe. Any tip to your lips looks great.~" 

You blush and you playfully punch him in the arm saying, "Ugh. Hey. Pervert." He chuckles and he says, "You know you love me that way, cutie.~" You look at him and you sigh and smile saying, "I love you so much, William Afton. More so than any other murderous couple that loves each other." 

He says, "I love YOU, (Y/N). Just let me know the next time someone messes with my woman... We'll kill, again." You smirk and you say, "Gladly. You went from killing children in the past... to killing for some tail." 

You giggle and you say, "Your favorite girl's got your back.~" He says, "Only for you, (Y/N). I love you too much to let you go.~" You say, "Mm. Come here, honey.~" You both lean back in to kiss, then you take it further.


The next evening, you're over at Fantasia's place. The party is going. It's her, Chelsea, you, William, Asami and some others that you and Fantasia know. You even have a maternal cousin of yours there. His name is Bobby Holtman. 

The one hosting the party is of course, Fantasia. Music is going. Your cousin Bobby and another girl there are sitting down, having some booze. Fantasia says, "Aight, y'all. My cousin over here. Bobby... He just turned twenty-one last week. This is for him. And he can meet my little sis's new man." Bobby looks over and so do others.

William looks around and he looks at you saying, "I'm the oldest person here." You say, "Baby. Don't sweat it. It's all good. No one gives a shit." Fantasia says, "Yeah. Besides, you know (Y/N) girl wanted your ass here with her." You lean against William's shoulder and you look up at him. You say, "She's not lying, baby." The others say, "Awe." 

Bobby looks at William and says, "So, you're the dude bangin' my cousin, man? Sick... Not in a bad way, yo. Just saying." William looks at him and says, "When did you turn twenty-one?" Bobby says, "Just eight days ago, man. I'm sure I'm the youngest one here." William says, "Ah, you're young kid. You've got a lot ahead of you. Enjoy this while you can." 

Chelsea looks at him and says, "Him? He's still young. No offense, dude... but YOU are the one that should enjoy this while you can. You're in your 50s for fucks sake. Not trying to offend." William says, "Chelsea. You can't really offend me too much. I've been through too much shit to feel triggered about a lot of things." 

Asami smirks and looks at you saying, "Girl. Thanks for letting me get involved with you guys, the other night." You say, "No problem. You're my best friend, Asami. I'll do anything for you." She says, "Awe." 

Fantasia looks at you and says, "Wait a minute. Hol' up. Y'all got involved in a threesome?" William grins and says, "It was alright with me. Not the first time for me." You look at him and you say, "Experience in college or what?" He says, "Yeah. Two girls from France. They called it the menage a trois." He chuckles. You say, "And you recreated it with me and my friend years later.~" You kiss him on the cheek.

A guy there says, "Ch. Shit, man. Like nobody's heard THAT term, before. That's the only French I know besides bonjour, au revoir or... do they say sacrebleu? I hear that, a lot." Chelsea says, "I think that means dammit or something." You say, "Shit is merde." William looks at you and he says, "I like how you said that." 

You say, "Not the exclamation, baby... the fecal." He shivers and looks away saying, "I draw the line, there." You say, "You and me, both." He whispers, "Why do you have to make it sound so hot, though?~" You giggle and you say this in a sultry tone, "That menage a trois was hot, sweet cheeks.~" He sighs and smiles. 

Fantasia says, "(Y/N). Shut your ass up. Don't be makin' your man pop a boner right now. We gotta party up in this motherfucker." Others laugh at her comment. You blush and you say, "R-right. Sorry, sis." She says, "Aight. Everyone grab your shit and drink up. Smoke some dope. We about to get so loud, the neighbors will be callin' the police on us!" The others cheer. You grin. 

William holds you close and he says, "Let me get your drink, cutie." He kisses you on the cheek and he says, "You wait here with the others." He gets up and you look at his butt. You smirk. William feels a smack on his ass and he can't help but blush. 

The others laugh a bit and Chelsea says, "Woo! Yeah!" A girl in there says, "Smack that ass, girlie! Woo!" Chelsea faces Fantasia and leans in to whisper something in her ear. She moves away and nods. 

Fantasia says, "Ch, shit. I wouldn't doubt she went that far. She that thirsty for him." William looks back at you. You grin and you sit back. He says, "I'll be back, little miss thirsty." He walks into the kitchen. 

Asami smirks and says, "Ayy... Little miss thirsty." Bobby says, "Right in front of us?" You say, "I'm not afraid to do more than just smack his ass." The others laugh and cheer a bit. William comes back with your drink and he hands it to you. You take it and you say, "Thanks, baby." He sits with you. Drink in his own hand. 

You drink it down. William looks at you and he says, "Take it easy, baby." You look at him and you say, "Fuck no." You drink your booze. Fantasia smirks and says, "Daaayum." He smirks and he says, "So, that's how you're gonna be, huh? Keep at it, sweetheart... you won't be feeling too good after a few." You says, "Oh, I'll be fine. I can handle it." Little do you realize, you're jinxing what you tell him.

In Love With a Killer (Springtrap to William Afton x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now