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Talk of abuse and neglect, cursing (A lot of it too), suicidal thoughts and actions. Homophobic comments, 

Written on- 05/27/2024~05/28/2024|Number of words- 2222

I walk through the halls avoiding everyone and dining them so I don't get touched. My arms ached from last night's beating. I sigh as I walk, and suddenly notice people are avoiding me. I look around to see people either glaring or laughing in my direction. I look at them confused before being pulled by my arm and into the bathroom. I look to see Keigo Takami, my crush, standing in front of me.

"Can I help you?" I ask confused.

"What the hell is this L/n?" Keigo asks throwing a paper in my face. I catch it, reading the content on it. My eyes go big and I start to shake.

"No... No no no no no..." I say looking through my bag to find my journal missing.

"Shit, fuck, god damn it!" I yell looking at the paper again.

"Why are you acting like you didn't do this?" Keigo asks. I look at him confused.

"Why would I spread pages of my journal around the school? Especially a love confession? Think a little Takami... I'm acting like this because I didn't fucking do it!" I yell.

"Shit... if the old man finds out... oh god..." I say looking at the paper. I run my hands through my hair and turn to look at the mirrors.

"Will Y/n L/n report to the principal's office, thank you," The announcements ring out.

"Fuck... I am so screwed..." I say before turning to Keigo.

"I probably won't be around anymore, so don't worry," I say before walking out of the bathroom. I walk to the office and look at the receptionist. She smiles sadly at me before motioning me towards the principal's office. I take a deep breath and walk in.

"Ah, Mr. L/n, thank you for coming so fast," The principal says.

"Yeah... so... what exactly do you need?" I ask.

"This was found in the lost and found, I wanted to make sure you got it back," He says holding up my journal.

"Oh... thank you," I say taking the book.

"Now, I do want to know, did you spread this around the school?" He asks handing me another copy of the page Keigo had.

"No... someone took my book and spread that page..." I say and he nods.

"Do you know anyone who would do such a thing?" He asks and I scuff.

"The students here don't particularly enjoy my company here, it could be anyone..." I say and he nods.

"Very well, thank you," He says and I nod.

"Am I good to go?" I ask and he nods.

"Thank you," I say putting the book in my bag and walking out of the office. I walk into the halls to see everyone in class.

"Fuck that... I'm not going to class, not after that," I say before walking to the back of the school and exiting through the door like I've done a million times before. I walk into the forest and to a cliff. I sit on the edge, my legs dangling.

'I wonder what would happen if I just leaned forward...' I wonder to myself

'Don't be stupid Y/n... it's not far enough to even kill,' I think, I shrug and get up. I walk away from the ledge and toward the edge of the forest. I climb into a tree and sit there listening to the birds. I look at my phone and see it's almost lunchtime.

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