The Boys Go on a Dangerous Robbery

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5 Weeks Before the Interdimensional Jump

It's nighttime in a cafe overlooking the bay, it has a little bridge going over the water and some of the stores surrounding the edges of the water were still open for business. However, our boys were standing in one of the pathways that led to the area with Michael wearing his standard suit, Joe was wearing a forest pine T-shirt underneath a gray zip-up jacket, brown jeans, and red sneakers, Dominic was wearing a black T-shirt with a pocket on the breast underneath a dark purple coat, with blue jeans, and grey sneakers and had his hair tied back, Robert was wearing a white sweatshirt overtop a red shirt, with dark blue jeans and black running shoes, Milo was wearing a flannel button up shirt underneath a maroon sweater vest, he wore a light wool grey blazer, black jeans, and black and white Jordans. Michael had called them all here for an idea he's had for a while.

Joe: Why exactly did you call us all here tonight, Mikey?

Michael: OK listen, with the expenses I've had to cover these past few months, first with the Jump drive, then bailing Dom out of jail and finally compensating CBS on Dom's charges of vandalism on their studio, as well as the damages on the car from when he literally drove it through the damn wall, I'm a little short on cash. That's why I gathered you guys here tonight, we're gonna meet with a contact of mine who has a job for us, and you bozos are gonna help me recoup my losses.

Milo: Dom why don't you just pay Mikey back? We all know you have the money.

Dominic: Are you crazy?! My lieutenants would never let me transfer funds into the hands of you white devils. I'd be in serious trouble if word got out back home that I wired over some money to the States and made it payable to Michael or CBS. They probably send me to bed without dinner for an entire month! I can't handle that.

Michael: Calm your ass down Dom! After this meeting with my contact, we'll not only break even, we might even turn a profit.

Robert: Uh, who is this contract of yours exactly?

Michael: He's a trustworthy individual, a man with a reputable background, who has his head on straight.

Milo: Mikey this isn't some sort of loan shark situation, is it?

Michael: Milo, what the hell do you take me for?! Of course it isn't a damn loan shark!

Milo: Look, it's just when someone has to say that a guy has a good reputation, chances are it usually means that the guy DOESN'T have a good reputation.

Michael: Look he's here.

Out of the corner we are introduced to Felix Jones, the conspiracy theorist. Felix is a 24-year-old college dropout who is 5'10" and has pot belly and red hair that he keeps short, he was wearing a blue blazer over a white dress shirt and blue dress pants with shoes as his attire for the evening.

Felix: Mr. Youtuber's, I was wondering when you finally give me a call. I've been waiting with bated breath for this opportunity, like Swiper the Fox, lingering in the bushes preparing for when Dora the Explorer crosses his path so he can steal her churros.

Milo: Aw, fuck I wish it was a loan shark now.

Robert: Mikey are you serious?! You want us to get into bed with Felix Jones?!

Michael: Listen, Felix has a once in a lifetime heist for us with a massive payout. Let's just hear him out.

Robert: (incredulous) A heist?! You want us to break the law?!?

Joe: Oh boy I've always wanted to color outside the lines as a child! However, whenever I would begin to display any sign of a rebellious attitude, my aunt would call over the barbell gang led by 4 Plate Pounder Pete to teach me a lesson. They would then drive me out to the bridge to Terabithia and hold me upside down suspending me over the lake's frozen waters until Mothman himself would hear my pleas for help and fly me back to the safety of my bedroom.

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