Throguh the Eyes of Love

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Days go by, and I felt like I was going insane. Alex stayed with me, whenever I was awake.

Somehow he found out how to get to his practices and games and slipping back into my room before I wake up.

I've been very sleepy lately, but I'm ok with that feeling. It took away all my stress, I never thought I could sleep my problems away.

Brendan stops by every day, even if it's just for five minutes or five hours.

"Hi Brendan..." I whisper softly while I turn around to face him since he told me he would be coming around twelve.

But I turn to see the entire team standing there with bouquets of flowers. My cheeks grew red and I curled up slightly so my knees hugged my chin.

"Hi everyone." My voice was raspy and flat. I plastered on a fake glowing smile and wave them into the room.

"You guys can put the flowers over here, thanks for coming, you all didn't have to take time out of your days to visit me."

They all chime in and say that they wanted to come and see if I was alright.

It was overwhelming being in a room full of people who care and love about you, even when you've let them down.

It was all a time lapse, the noise around me disappeared and everyone talking and laughing around me was a blur.

I occasionally tuned in to conversations and answered when I was asked a question but it was mostly a numb experience.

"Hey? Jessica? H-Hello?" I focused my attention on Carey who was waving his arms in front of my face as I noticed he and Brendan were the only ones in the room.

But Brendan was curled up in the chair with a Montreal blanket tucked under his chin with a dreamily smile on his face.

"How did he-" I pointed to Brendan.

"He texted me to bring the blanket for him." Carey chuckled as I giggled a bit myself.

"So I wanted to talk to you...."

"About what?" I asked a bit hesitantly.

"I just wanted to talk about how you're really doing. I know this might be a little stupid and you might not want to open up to me but, I just want to let you know I'm here to help, to talk, for anything."

I really wanted to talk through this with someone, as Carey opened the door I realized my opportunity for help was slipping through my fingers.

"Wait!" I yell making Carey halt and Brendan grunt while he rolls over.

"I go home tomorrow and I know you guys have a game that night but are you free on Friday?" I bite my lip in a bit of anticipation.

"Totally, meet me at the Tim Horton's by Alex's apartment?"

I nod my head and Carey waves goodbye.

I was finally taking a stand to get help, I was taking control of my life and trying to get better so I could be the person I've always wanted to be, strong.

Alex walks in and waves at me a bit shyly, his brown hair was tousled in all directions and his facial hair was showing a bit more then usual.

His look was a bit rugged, he had on jeans and a plain grey Nike tee on. His gold cross necklace was untucked out of his shirt and he continued to to rub it against his fingers.

I on the other hand was not looking too good either, my sandy blonde hair was in knots and my hospital gown was dropping off of my shoulder.

I was a bit confused on why he was still standing in the doorway, I saw him tuck brightly colored pamphlets in the back of his jeans.

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