Summer Lovin?

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It was now time to go home. Adelaine sat in her usual compartment with Lee and the twins. She was reading a book while Lee's arm was wrapped around her until they reached Kings Cross.

"Mum!" Lee yelled, running to greet his mum.

Adelaine giggled as Lee playfully glared at her from his mum's embrace. Lee was a mummy's boy to the max despite being almost fifteen. Well, that's one reason she believed they got along since she was quite the daddy's girl.

"How was the rest of your year, sweetie?" Adelaine's dad asked.

"It was good," she smiled, hugging her dad.

Cedric, Leslie and their families joined them. Cedric had two parents. Amos Diggory worked at the Ministry but in a different department than Adelaine's dad. Cynthia Diggory was a stay-at-home mum.

Leslie's dad was a pediatrician. Her mum had died of cancer right before their first year. So, Adelaine and Leslie bonded over the fact that were raised by single fathers. Although Adelaine's mum was still alive.

They all went their separate ways. Though everyone knew it would be an eventful summer just like it was an eventful school year.


Adelaine was over the Jordan's house a few days into the summer even when Lee wasn't home. It might sound crazy but she enjoyed spending time with her best mate's parents. She was drinking tea with Mrs. Jordan in their kitchen.

Lee's mum Margarita or Rita was a tall, medium weight, woman with long black dreadlocks identical to her son's. She had green eyes and that shone against her dark skin. She had just a hint of a southern accent being from Georgia but living in England so long it's faded away.

"Is there something on your mind, sweetie?" Mrs. Jordan asked.

She was observant unlike her son. Though, he was becoming more observant when it came to Adelaine.

"Just thinking, I know you wouldn't know much about this family but I think Mr. Jordan would know."

"Depends on what family it is," Mr. Jordan said walking in from the garden. Lee had definitely not inherited his talent for Herbology.

Mr. Curtis Jordan in stark contrast to his wife was a short, slightly plump man with brown eyes identical to Lee's and not to mention dimples that were identical to Lee's.

Neither one of them were pranksters but they did have a sense of humor. Some people might think they are an unlikely couple but if you ask Lee or Adelaine they'd disagree.

"Do you know anything about the Longbottoms?" Adelaine asked him.

Mr. Jordan nodded and said. "I've been wondering if you would ask about them."

"So, you know about them?" Adelaine asked. She was surprised.

Mr. Jordan poured himself some tea, sat down and said. "I grew up with Frank Longbottom, since he was friends with my cousin. I was a few years ahead of him at Hogwarts though. I don't know what exactly happened to him and his wife but it's shame none the less."

"You see I've taken their son Neville under my wing. He's really quiet and he doesn't have lots of confidence. He reminds me vaguely of myself although I do have confidence but Lee and the twins but mainly Lee brought me out of my shell."

Mr. Jordan nodded and said. "Yeah, his gran Mrs. Longbottom from what I remember seemed very formidable."

Adelaine frowned and said. "And it doesn't help that the Slytherins bully him and Snape scares him to death."

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