Chapter 21 | much needed reality check

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Days passed since Abhir came back, and the decision of Abhimanyu going was decided.

Akshara was feeling more different toward Abhimanyu. She was slowly forgiving him more, as she was glorifying him but anyone in his place would do the same.

Losing his brother and unborn babies in the matter of time wasn't a normal thing; but still something was stopping her from kicking her out but she ignored that feeling and soon forgave him.

She was thinking of proposing to him on the wedding day of Khushi and Arnav. A smile played on her lips thinking about her proposing to him, tinge of blush appearing on her cheeks.

The wedding was just 2 days away, and Abhimanyu's flight was just after the wedding. He was thinking of attending the wedding then immediately leaving for the airport.

A dreamy Akshara thinking about the proposal, and a sad abhimanyu were both in thought. Abhimanyu was sad because he was leaving his Akshu behind, but she wasn't his anymore.

But he already made his decision, he couldn't turn back on it. The Birla's again made their appearance in Singhania sadan because of some ritual.

Akshara's eyes were trying to find Abhimanyu in the crowd. She soon spotted him talking on the phone she was making her way to him when manjiri came in front of her.

This was their first encounter, before this she was just ignoring her to avoid any tantrums or arguments in the wedding house.

"Ji?" Akshara asked manjiri in a respectful tone. "Why don't you leave?" Manjiri said, Akshara's brow furrowed.

"Excuse me?" Akshara asked. "Why don't you leave? You are just causing pain to my happy son! He was going to get engaged but seeing you he broke off the engagement!" Manjiri lied, she wanted to get away from abhimanyu as soon as possible.

Akshara blinked, trying to ignore the burning feeling of tears welling up in her eyes. Abhimanyu finally got free from his call when he spotted his ex-wife and his mother together.

A recipe to disaster. One might say, Abhimanyu ran to them when he noticed tears in Akshara's eyes; but someone else stepped in.

"Miss so-called aunty please keep your mouth shut." Aditya stepped up for Akshara. Akshara looked at him and was going to stop him but he held his hand up to stop her.

"Aunty, I'm calling you aunty out of respect. Why are you meddling inside of two very grown adults? See whoever you are, you have no right meddling in a relationship of two ex's or husband and wife." Aditya lectured her and manjiri's jaw dropped.

She opened her mouth to argue back but closed it. "So please aunty, go watch some melo-dramas or gossip with your fellow sisters. Don't annoy my poor friend." With that Aditya took her with him leaving a stunned Manjiri.

Abhimanyu couldn't help but giggle, but stopped himself and walked in the scene. "Ahem, what happened maa?" Abhimanyu asked, it was taking all the strength in him to not laugh at his mother's stunned face.

"That entitled girl and that so-called friend of her!-" Manjiri was going say but abhimanyu stopped her.

"Maa, please stop. You just heard all those things and still you have the audacity to talk shit about her?" Abhimanyu said and manjiri looked at him in disbelief.

"You heard all those things but still you didn't take a stand for your mother-" Manjiri said but Abhimanyu cutted her off.

"Because all those things were right, maa. Please stop meddling in our life's, you already ruined one time and I don't want you to ruin it the second time. The damage you did the last time isn't fixed. So please just stop." Abhimanyu said giving her a very much needed reality check; with that he left.

Manjiri's delusion was once and for all broken, but did that stop her? No. It added 'fuel' to the 'fire' in her stupid mind. Abhimanyu was thinking to check on her but then he remembered that bandar- sorry Aditya was there with her.

"Yaar Akshara why don't you stand up for yourself!?" Aditya asked angrily, "Because shes-" Akshara was cut off by Aditya, "Yeah because 'shes older than us and we should respect her.' stop it yaar Akshara." Aditya repeated her words.

"Izzat khairat mein nahi milti. Izzat ko kama nah aana chahiye." Aditya said the truth. "If i wasn't there she would've stepped over you- heck would've stomped you!" Aditya lectured.

(Respect is not earned in charity. Respect should be earned.)

Akshara just looked down and Aditya felt bad, "See Akshu, I don't want you to see me as a lecturer. I just want you to stand up for yourself, learn to take stand, and if I see you once again with that old witch stomping all over you imma kill you." Aditya said holding her shoulder and Akshara nodded.

Abhimanyu was going to check on Akshara when he saw her with that Aditya, holding her shoulder, trying to comfort her; and they hugged. They fucking hugged.

Abhimanyu felt his knees go weak, he knew he had no right over her; but still something broke inside him. Tears welled in his eyes, his lips trembling by it.

He shook his head, "why- why am I getting affected by this, I knew she loved him.." Abhimanyu sniffed; he left the scene with tears.

Abhimanyu went straight to his home, locked in his room. He slowly dropped on the floor, something got hurt in the process but this pain was nothing to the pain he was feeling now.

"How could she-.." Abhimanyu asked himself, "She is single abhimanyu, if not now then after a year she would've gotten married. Not everyone stays in their loved boy era like you." His consciousness spoke breaking his heart more but it was the truth, if not now she would've gotten married after a year.

He was still thinking she could've come back to him; but now he was more than determined to get away from her life.

On the other side, Aditya pulled her in a brotherly hug. He was like kairav to her, now she was more than determined to get abhimanyu back.


Hello baes🌷 | 21th chapter of The second chance.

So happy that manjiri got a reality check. Like old lady stfu.

Misunderstandings are rising everywhere, will Akshara and Abhimanyu be able to fight it or will it break their relationship forever?

Also there will no chapter tomorrow because I have something important tomorrow so this chapter is uploaded preponed.

To know more STAY TUNE BESTIES 😪


WORDS - 1092

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