I cry for the memories

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Not to reduce the seriousness in this chaper, but is it just me that thinks that his hair looks like a wig?

Daddy was dealing with the walkers and the prisoners they found, whilst I was with Carol and Sophia.Lori, Beth, Carl and Hershel came out from the prison.

Since when has Hershel had crutches?"Walkers!" Carl shouts and then they all start taking them out.

"MEG, MEG GET OUT OF THERE!" Daddy shouts running towards me with Rick behind him shouting for Lori.

The rest of us along with T try to close the gate but through doing that he was bitten"NO! T" I scream as the walker takes a bit out of his shoulder.

Carol is trying to get him help whilst Sophia and I run behind them.

Walkers are coming towards us whilst Carol is holding Sophia's hand and she is holding mine.

T runs at the walkers banging them against the wall to help us pass them"GO! GO!" He screams as more bits are bitten into him.We all run past him "Thank you T" I shout running past "Survive Meg!" he screams back as his voice echo's around the halls.

"Come on!" Carol shouts to us going through more of the halls"Carol there's walkers behind us" I say to her, looking forwards there are more coming that way.

Looking to the side there is a door. Opening it we all clamber in before shutting it and darkness falls apon us all.

Daryl POV from now on unless said otherwise

"MEG, MEG" I shout running towards her.

I see her run towards Carol and T dog with Sophia running alongside.

"KEYS!" Rick shouts at me and I throw them to him.We run into the courtyard shooting the remaining walkers that are wondering around whist looking for Meg and Lori.

I jump and stab a walker in the head whilst Rick talks to Beth and Hershel.

A loud alarm rings out "Ye gotta be kiddin' me" I say walking towards Beth"Where Meg go, which way" I ask looking at them both "She was with Carol that way" she says pointing in the direction they went.

We go into the main living area and look around for everyone but for me it's only Meg "Meg ye er'?" I ask looking around and loading another arrow into my crossbow.

We find the main generator where the alarms are coming from and try and hold the door as more walkers are wanting to get in.

Suddenly one of the old prisoners come out from the shadows and attack Rick. It comes to an ultimatum when the other prisoner gets the gun.

Rick or his buddy Prisoner, but he chooses Rick as the one to survive.After all of that we make our way through the halls and tunnels until we get to two walkers feasting on a body.

I shot one in the head and stab the other. The body is T dog but what does that mean for Meg. "No, NO!" I shout falling next to him "MEG!" I shout again listening for any noise or sound which could indicate to where she is.

Looking down I see a piece of cloth but looking further it is Carols head scarf and the knife I gave Meg "No, Meg" I say in nothing more than a whisper as tears fall down my cheeks.I have lost my baby, my girl.

"Hershel they back yet?" Rick says as we run back into the courtyard"No, though you found them, what about T Carol, Sophia and Meg?" he asks but he knows by looking at my face that it ain't good news.

"They didn't make it" I say my voice breaking and I look down.

We hear a squeak of a door opening and Maggie, Carl and a baby come out.

It is silent among us all, Rick walks towards them slowly whilst dropping his axe.

He goes to walk past her but Maggie stops him "No, Rick, No" she says and he begins to cry from his dead wife.

I cry for the memories I won't get to have with Megan.

My baby,

My Girl,

My little one, who I will never get to hold again, kiss or hug when scared or sad.

I look up at Rick sobbing and run back into the prison, straight to Meg's bag and look at her clothing, her toys and her favourite picture of our small family but the best according to her.

I collapses on our, I mean my mattress and cry out. Loudly.

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