Chapter 10

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Sophie stirred from her slumber, her senses slowly awakening to the gentle touch of James's lips against hers. His soft kiss, a tender gesture of affection, drew her from the realm of dreams and into the warmth of his presence. As her eyes fluttered open, she found herself gazing into the depths of his blue eyes.

"Good morning, beautiful," James murmured, his voice still husky from sleep. A smile played on his lips as he brushed a stray lock of hair from her face, his fingers lingering on her cheek.

Sophie leaned into his touch, savoring the rare moment of intimacy. "Morning," she whispered, her smile mirroring his.

James propped himself up on his elbow, his gaze never leaving hers. "I was thinking," he began, a hint of excitement creeping into his tone. "Why don't we go to our favorite market and then grab some lunch before I have to leave for my flight tonight?"

The mention of his impending departure sent a pang through Sophie's heart. She had grown accustomed to his frequent absences, but it never got easier to say goodbye. Yet, the prospect of spending a few precious hours together, just the two of them, was too tempting to resist.

"That sounds perfect," she agreed, her smile widening at the thought of their favorite restaurant, a cozy little bistro tucked away in a quiet corner of the city. It had been the site of their first date, and they had returned countless times since, each visit a cherished memory.

James's face lit up at her response, his excitement palpable. "Great! I'll make the reservation." He leaned in, pressing another soft kiss to her lips before reluctantly pulling away. "I have a few calls to make before we go, but I promise I won't be long."

As he climbed out of bed, Sophie couldn't help but admire the way the morning light danced across his lean, muscular frame. "I'll be waiting," she called after him, a playful lilt in her voice.

James paused at the doorway, turning back to flash her a grin that made her heart flutter. "I'll be counting the minutes," he replied, his words a promise that hung in the air long after he had disappeared from view.

Sophie sank back into the pillows, a contented sigh escaping her lips. Despite the challenges they faced, moments like these reminded her of why she had fallen in love with James in the first place. And as she lay there, basking in the afterglow of his affection, she couldn't help but look forward to the day ahead, a day filled with the promise of love and laughter, of stolen moments and cherished memories.

Sophie stepped into the shower, letting the warm water cascade over her, washing away the remnants of sleep. As she lathered her hair with shampoo, her thoughts drifted to the day ahead. The prospect of spending time with James before his departure filled her with a mix of excitement and melancholy.

After her shower, Sophie stood in front of the mirror, applying a light touch of makeup. She wanted to look her best for their outing, a small gesture to show James how much she cherished their time together. As she finished getting ready, she heard James rummaging through their closet, hearing the sound of hangers clinking together.

"Hey, Soph?" James called out, his voice muffled by the closet door. "Which tie should I bring?"

Sophie made her way to the bedroom, where she found James holding up two ties: a deep navy and a rich burgundy. She studied them for a moment, her gaze flicking between the ties and James's eyes.

"The navy one," she decided, reaching out to take the tie from his hand. "It brings out the blue in your eyes."

James smiled, a flicker of warmth in his gaze. "You always know just what to pick."

As James finished packing his suitcase, Sophie gathered her essentials for their outing. She grabbed her favorite leather jacket, the one James had given her for her birthday, and slipped it on—the supple leather felt like a comforting embrace, a reminder of James's love.

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