Chapter 16

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So can you be my Bestfriend before you call yourself my man?
"One thing at a time" Ayesha yelled
grabbing her head overwhelmed with all the chaos right now.

"mommy where is curr curr" Riley asked crossing her arms pouting.

Ayesha pinched the bridge of her nose grabbing the phone calling her mother letting it ring twice until she picked up.

"hello Alexander residence "

Her parents really thought they were somebody important if Ayesha wasn't in this situation right now she would laugh at the response.

"Ma you picked up the dog right?"

"what dog?" Her mother said sounding puzzled .

"Riley's puppy ma" Ayesha said grabbing the wall for support before she started panicking .

"I'm playing baby I got him, calm down"

Ayesha let out a breath happy her mother remembered to get the small animal.

"okay good thats all I wanted to know, love you mommy call you later" Ayesha said hanging up then looking at Riley . "curr curr is with grandma okay baby?"
Riley stomped into the bathroom closing the door screaming.

Riley was a minute away from getting a whooping and time out for that little attitude of hers.

Ayesha turned to Stephen "Now what's your problem?"

"why didn't you tell me Justine showed up to the game? Don't you think that was important enough to tell me?"

"Well let me see Stephen - you were playing on the court #1 and #2 our conversation was cut short because I was concerned about YOU and YOUR well being" Ayesha explained getting angry .

Stephen wasn't understanding the place Ayesha was coming from so he kept pushed it.

" I do believe I still had 10 fingers , a mouth , and ears that still worked perfectly fine" Stephen concluded kicking a toy out the way.

" well if you want to talk to her then talk to her damnit , NOBODY is stopping you just don't come to me when things turn bad" Ayesha said talking to Stephen as she opened the door getting riley out the bathroom.

"whatever young"

Ayesha took a deep breath in and out slowly putting Riley down.

" I cant do this no more , I cant" Ayesha said quietly.

Stephen softened his expression walking over to Ayesha .

"what now?"

" I honestly don't know this marriage thing got my head twisted "

Stephen took a step back making sure he heard Ayesha correctly .

"hold up , did you just say you're married?" Stephen just stood there thinking about what he just heard .. She's married...

Ayesha put her face in her hands nodding mumbling "apparently"

" So why are you here shouldn't you be with with your husband?" Stephen said rudely

Ayesha chuckled shaking her head crying dropping her hands " You honestly think that?"

" I mean I don't know what to believe or who to believe nowadays "

"Stephen I honestly don't even know the guy I never knew I was married and the fact that they said that is creepy as hell , I've never been engaged a day in my life"

"you go to the police ?"

"No I called my lawyer"

"you sure it wasn't here in vegas" Stephen pushed

Ayesha sighed and talked " This is my second time here , the first time I came here I was 14 and was stuck babysitting my cousins so therefore no"

Stephen shrugged .

" The most important account I have is now frozen ." Ayesha explained looking at riley crying

" what was in the account?"

" All of Riley's college money, I've been saving up since I was 13 for a future child" Ayesha just broke down as Riley crawled by her leg.

" Well she will have money , I will make sure of it"

Ayesha just looked up at Stephen with red eyes " you're not understanding Wardell Ive had that account since I was 13 specifically for that purpose and it may be gone because of some obsessed bastard and it was thousands of dollars in that account"

Ayesha kissed Riley's head getting up grabbing the room key and her purse wiping her face.

Stephen went to give her a hug but she gave him the cold shoulders gently pushing him away telling him she would be back later and she left the room.

Ayesha didn't want anymore pity for herself, all she was worried about was winning this case and finding that sick bastard who was trying to put her through hell.

Ayesha visited a church first to get some words of wisdom from the pastor then headed to the local library finding all the books about law, and banking.

She sat there for hours exhausted reading the books.

Once the library closed at 12 she returned to the hotel opening the door quietly.

Ayesha jumped when she saw Stephen sitting on the couch.

"damn do you sleep" Ayesha asked turning the lights off.

"I mean what was I suppose to do , I been calling you all day and Riley was worried about you " Stephen said standing up.

" I told you I would be back later didn't I?"

" Yeah , when you said later I thought you meant six not one in the damn morning "

" Well I had to find out things Stephen , you should be happy I left the car at least"

"Wow , yeah because that was my main focus " Stephen said sarcastically

"Stephen what do you want from me why, why am I here?"

" because you're my Bestfriend but the shit you been doing lately is kind of like a slap in my face" Stephen said sitting back on the couch.

"I haven't did anything lately but HELP you , I don't even know why I came on this crazy ass trip with you " Ayesha said walking in front of him pushing him back

" Ayesha chill with that shit" Stephen grabbed both her wrists.

" No, I get it you only dragged me along to be your babysitter am I correct?" Ayesha looked at him tilting her head waiting for a response

" I mean would you have wanted me to take Riley away from you for months?"

"No, I wouldn't have because thats my child too"

" Okay then so stop complaining , you came here because you wanted to"

"Nobody is complaining war- let me go" Ayesha moved her arms around trying to get out of Stephen's grip.

" you might try to hit me again"

Ayesha gave him a fake smile " I wont if you let me go now "

Stephen removed his hands off of Ayesha's wrist as she sat down on the table.

"Are you ready to act cordially now?" asked Stephen sitting up

"sure whatever, I'm good Best friend"

"Good , now go to bed before I have a change my mind"

"yes dad" Ayesha said rolling her eyes getting up walking away to take a shower.

" It's daddy to you" Stephen said loud enough for Ayesha to hear.

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