EP 6 - Scent

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- Third Person POV -

"Ugh..." Jisoo groaned as he hugged his pillow closer walking up.


Seokmin flipped the egg yolk on the pan in the kitchen preparing lunch for him and Jisoo.

"Oh, good morning, Hyung!" Seokmin exclaimed with a smile as he saw Jisoo dressed in a big white hoodie and small black shorts that hid under his hoodie. "It's almost noon though."

"Baby, why didn't you wake me up?" Jisoo yawned walking over to Seokmin.

"You did need that extra sleep, Hyung. You've been overworking yourself patrolling your territory for the last 3 days, with almost no sleep in between."

"Honestly, I feel like crap lately. Drowsy and tired, I can't sleep well..." Jisoo cutely rubbed his eyes. "But lately horny Alpha bastards from neighbor territories are trespassing into my territory, hunting for Omega in heat. As the leader of North Gate Territory, of course, it's my responsibility to keep everyone safe, so... Gotta keep patrolling even if I feel like crap."

"Since Hyung has been working hard, I made your lunch! Or breakfast, whatever. It's only fried rice though. With an omelet to top it off." Seokmin presented his dish sitting down with Jisoo on the couch.

"Whoaa~~ It looks good!! Let's eat while watching some cartoons~~" Jisoo chuckled and opened his mouth cutely for Seokmin. "Minie baby, feed me~~"

"Actually, who's the baby here, Hyung?" Seokmin chuckled feeding Jisoo with the chopsticks.

"Nyom!" Jisoo took one bite of the food melting into the taste. Immediately he hugged Seokmin with all his heart. "It tastes sooo good!!! My future wife is so good at cooking already~"

Seokmin sighed. "Why does it have to be 'husband and wife' Hyung?" Seokmin looked down at Jisoo in his arms. "Why can't it just be us, Lee Seokmin and Hong Jisoo, sharing the chores and living together happily? I mean we're both Alpha males. We have to treat each other like equals, right? Why do we have to label ourselves with boring old roles of 'husband and wife'."

"What's with the cheesy lines?!" Jisoo blushed and slapped Seokmin away playfully. "You're watching way too many dramas, Minie!"

"Didn't that sound like you're offering me a marriage proposal?" Jisoo punched Seokmin's chin sending him flying off as he blushed furiously with his fluttering heart. "Geez Minie, aren't you too young for that? At least wait until you're 18, baby~~"

"I'll only marry you under one condition though." Jisoo chuckled hugging Seokmin once again after pulling him onto the couch with the plate on the table in front of them. "I pay the rent, you do the chores. Make me wash the dish and I'll divorce you."

"...Eh?" Seokmin blinked regaining his senses.

'...Treat each other like equals, huh...' Jisoo's train of thought continued as he closed his eyes drifting off into sleep. 'I wish we were equals, Seokmin. But I'm just a failure of an omega male. Would you treat me differently after you find out...?'

"Hyung?" Seokmin called out. "Jisoo Hyung?"


'He's asleep?' Seokmin looked at Jisoo as his eyes traced over his beautiful features and his dangling hair like the touch of jewelry. 'Ah, he must be exhausted. But isn't it awkwardly romantic today? Usually, whenever I try to approach him romantically, he'll just brush it off as a joke... But he actually took my words seriously, didn't he?'

Seokmin's senses tingled as he shifted away from Jisoo's hold. '...Wait.'

'...This is weird, something is definitely off...' Seokmin took hold of Jisoo's body and moved closer to his face sniffing him. 'Not only his acting... His scent is not right, too."


'Why does Jisoo Hyung smell like a woman...? No, this isn't just any woman's scent.'

Seokmin buried his face into Jisoo's neck and laid him on the couch climbing over him.

'Jisoo Hyung smells like an Omega...'


.MIJIN, Our Omega Leadernim EP 6


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It truly means a lot to me. 😊


Word Count: 700


I have the original author MIJIN's permission so please do not attack me!


Ask for permission before translating!



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