Chapter 7

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My head hurts...


What happened?...


I don't remember what happened...

I open my eyes and see a bright light infront of me. "God?" I ask but I am returned with laughter. I blink and it starts to get clearer. It's dark and there a large fire infront of me. I look down and I'm on some podium made out of wood. My legs feel weak and my head hurts like a mother fu-

"Let the ceremony begin..." A voice says behind me. I turn around and see a long white robe. I look up and see dark eyes looking at me. "Let's start with the ugly one!" The man yells and a cheer of people starts. I look infront of me and a whole audience of people in white robes cheer. I see little children in white robes as well, cheering with the rest of them.

"Yeah, the ugly one!" I hear someone yell in the crowd. Suddenly all the people stop and are silent. I look up and see the man with his hand in the air.

"We thank you, Lord, for the food you are sending us, and we will sacrifice the hearts of the evil, to you" The man says taking out a knife from his robe and walking to me. He stops in front of me and places the knife at my throat.

"Wait! What's happening! HELP!" I hear a girl scream. I turn to my right and see Stacey sitting weakly, tied to a wooden pole with blood running down her head. Marlene and Max are next to her, just waking up. The man walks over to Stacey and stands behind her, pulling her hair tightly.

"Let us eat..." The man says before untying Stacey and slicing her throat, kicking her over into the crowd. Everyone runs over to her. I hear Stacey's muffled scream in pain as the crowd of people swarm her. The man walks over behind Marlene now and puts his knife under her chin. "We will feast greatly the name of Apophis.. let your darkness rule..." That man says, looking down at Marlene, who's now quietly sobbing. Suddenly, I swift arrow flys at the back of the man's head, and he falls backwards. Blood starts to stain the robe as a pool of blood forms under his head. I turn around and see the dark, cold forest. Another arrow flys out of the forest and hits the back of the pole I'm tied to. My hands drop a little. I look down and see that the arrow pierced the rope, freeing me.

"Marlene!?" Max asks worried, looking around until his eyes fall on Marlene tied to the pole. I move my arms in front of me and see my free hands. I jump over the man's body and run the Marlene. I start untying her rope when a woman yells.

"She's letting them go!" Almost all of their heads perk up and look at me before all rushing to the podium. I quickly untie Marlene when a man jumps on the podium and reaches to grab me when another arrow flies past me and hits him in his throat. He grabs his throat instantly and tumbles back a bit. Marlene and I rush to Max and begin untying him. Marlene stops and quickly rushes to the end of the podium and looks down, grabbing her mouth as she suddenly screams. When Max is finally free, we rush to Marlene and look down to see Stacey's mutilated body laying in the grass. Someone in a white robe is hunched over Stacey and doing something I can't quite see.

"STACEY?!" Marlene yells, waiting for something to happen. The figure stops and twists their head towards us. Their mouth is dripping with thick blood, and they stare up at us with eyes that have nothing but dark in them. Their mouth twists into a haunting smile as they begin to laugh. Max grabs me and Marlene's hand and runs away from the swarm of people. We run into the forest as fast as we can, the branches scratching at our legs and arms. We reach the town again and run back down the path to the camp. Their voices are getting more distant the more we run. Eventually, their voices are gone, and we stop, huffing and gasping. A tight pain is in my chest, and my heart is beating fast. We all stop for only a couple of seconds before we start running again.

After 13 minutes of running, we run through the gates of Camp Crystal Lake. Max opens the van door and we all pile inside. Max shuts the door and the van is filled with loud panting. We all just lay on the floor of the van quietly letting the realisation hit us. I turn my head and see Marlene breathing rigidly with tears falling down her cheek. I close my eyes and focus on my breathing. My lungs feel sore and deprived of air no matter how much I breathe in and my throat has a deep lump in it. I feel guilt and anger. For some reason, I feel guilt for Stacey. I of course feel angry about the fact they said I was ugly, the assholes.

3 minutes go by and we start to calm down, our breathing are more easy and regular. "Who was that. The arrows" Max asks. I open my eyes and turn to him.

"I don't know" I say which is only half true, I didn't see who is was, but the chances it was, oh, I don't know a certain murderer? Named, oh, I don't know JASON?!....very likely.

"They know where we are, did you see the way that old man tensed up when we mentioned this place? They know where we are, we have to leave, " Max says, sitting up.

"Where are we gonna go though? The nearest place is hours away from here..." Marlene says, wiping her tears.

Then an idea hit me. "What if whoever it was that killed Daniel and blondie, will kill them if they come here?" I suggest. Max looks over to me.

"You think whatever it was, was human?" Max asks.

"Well I don't know about you, but I don't think any rabbit can sever a head" I say. "We just have to hope he- uh whoever it is, will help us..."

"Well then...let's get ready"

Word Count: 1077

3 MORE CHAPTERS!! HEHEH IM HAVING FUN WITH THIS BOOK 😈 Anyways I hoped you enjoyed these new three chapters ☺️ okey byeeee I gotta write some mooooreee!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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